Freelance: ridwnf
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website mockups for 2 AI / Tech websites.

If anything needs to be corrected please contact me, Thank you

Proposta in Concorso #40 per                                                 website mockups for 2 AI / Tech websites.

Bacheca pubblica per chiarimenti

  • JuniperaDigital
    Titolare del Concorso
    • 3 mesi fa

    Thank you for this.

    The simplicity of it is what we're looking for for the first website.

    However we'd need to change the style and look of the text boxes as they are currently too similar to the original site.

    • 3 mesi fa
    1. ridwnf
      • 3 mesi fa

      Thank you for your feedback! I'm delighted to hear that the simplicity aligns with your vision. Noted on the text boxes, and I'm more than happy to customize their style and look to better suit your preferences. I'll make the adjustments accordingly. Please feel free to share any specific details or styles you have in mind. Looking forward to refining the design to meet your expectations. Appreciate your collaboration!

      • 3 mesi fa