Freelance: Ivanmfernandez
Segnala Partecipazione

Victorian Terrace. Ifdz. 2

Hello. This is my proposal, I hope you like it. The social area has views to the back courtyard through sliding glass doors that allow full opening. So the courtyard is an extension of the living area. The staircase is in the middle of the main floor plan, and the laundry uses the space under stairs. The studio is separated of the corridor by a glass partition in order to illuminate the hallway. There is a small bathroom beyond the second room entrance. On the second floor it is located the master bedroom with en-suite and walk in robe. I have tried to enhance natural lighting by expanding existing windows in the side garden. Please provide feedback. Best regards

Proposta in Concorso #3 per                                                 Victorian Terrace Floor Plans

Bacheca pubblica per chiarimenti

  • michaeldavis27
    Titolare del Concorso
    • 8 anni fa

    Hi Ivan. We need to increase the size of the living area. Also we can have upstairs all the way to the front chimney and to the back of the building. Let's maybe move another bedroom/study upstairs instead of having such small bedroom/study downstairs. Can you also provide a % of the block the building is taking up. Overall your design is getting much better

    • 8 anni fa
  • michaeldavis27
    Titolare del Concorso
    • 8 anni fa

    Hi Ivan. We need to increase the size of the living area. Also we can have upstairs all the way to the front chimney and to the back of the building. Let's maybe move another bedroom/study upstairs instead of having such small bedroom/study downstairs. Can you also provide a % of the block the building is taking up. Overall your design is getting much better

    • 8 anni fa