Freelance: jf2205noble
Segnala Partecipazione

Why shouldn't we?

An image suggestion questioning on why shouldn't we carry arms if our ancestors could so in the past?

Bacheca pubblica per chiarimenti

  • skycrane
    Titolare del Concorso
    • 4 anni fa

    thank you and your statement is RIGHT on target and you are exactly right....but not what i need. I need is graphic art work on:
    In 2013, Obama ordered CDC Study Stated:
    Defensive gun use prevents up to 3 million crimes a year.

    • 4 anni fa
    1. jf2205noble
      • 4 anni fa

      Thank you so much for your feedback. I have uploaded a new entry with graphic arts. Let me know if you need any more changes. Thanks and all the best for your campaign.

      • 4 anni fa