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Kombucha Bottle Label Design

Hi, I've updated the concept to be a bit more minimalistic... I hope it fits more to what you want! Greetings!

Proposta in Concorso #79 per                                                 Kombucha Bottle Label Design

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  • OmniXBro
    Titolare del Concorso
    • 6 mesi fa

    This is so much better! Well done on this design! I like how the background color that says "Original" kind of represents the color of the kombucha liquid in the line-art jar's graphics.

    I think you need to reposition the other line-art graphics though. For the pineapple one, the bottom pineapple is mostly covered and doesn't look nice. Please also review the others. I think the lemon one might also be too covered.

    Can you show a more close-up version of the back page? We might have to start adjusting the elements to suit. For starters, can we remove the barcode?

    • 6 mesi fa