Freelance: abramohddanial
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Organize Professional Win

Hi! I hope you like it. I managed to follow the requirement for this project. I would be nice if you can comment and rate my submission for improvement

Proposta in Concorso #11 per                                                 Create a 1-2 digital marketing post

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  • Burkeestes
    Titolare del Concorso
    • 3 anni fa

    Hello and thank you so much for following the requirement! I like this submission a lot. Can we please make the two pictures I provided bigger on the first page? Maybe one on top of the other. Also can we please change the blue box around where it says "How to organize..." I just don't really like the shape or color of that.

    • 3 anni fa
    1. abramohddanial
      • 3 anni fa

      Hi! Thank you for your feedback. Do you have any specified color that may interest you? Also, how big is those two pictures would be in the design?

      • 3 anni fa