Freelance: maychang
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Here are the working process again. I come up with two different style for the faces, see if you like the realistic one or a bit cute and comic one (and I try not to make her too comic). Consider the English left-to-right reading direction, I have flipped the image horizontally. Can you tell me if she is wearing any accessories like necklace or earring? I think adding one or two accessories would be lovely.

Proposta in Concorso #20 per                                                 Illustrate for Pandora Chronicles

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  • squiett
    Titolare del Concorso
    • 10 anni fa

    I like the more realistic one...she isn't wearing any specific jewelry items, so you can certainly add some if you wish...a talisman, bracelet, etc...very nice!

    • 10 anni fa