HSBC Premier - Print Ads

da czarchz
HSBC Premier - Print Ads
HSBC Premier - Print Ads

As a writer @ *S,C,P,F… I saw my ideas published in the US and a couple Latin American Countries. But I also worked alongside HSBC's headquarters in London to translate several documents and have work published in México, like these prints.

image of username czarchz Flag of Mexico Naucalpan de Juárez, Mexico

Su di me

Words. Some say pictures are worth thousands of ‘em. Maybe, just maybe, their eyes weren’t looking the right way. If you ask me, letters can arrange themselves into the first time you ever thought to be in love, words have conquered countries and made kings clap, throw some music in and the world will follow your lead; words inspire people. Don’t take me wrong. Of course design, photographs, apps and videos can touch people’s life. But in the end, it’s all about what you are saying, the message that has to remain inside someone’s mind. It’s all about how well crafted that (brand) story is. That’s why I decided to become a writer, a content creator, or a storyteller if you will; to reach people in a meaningful way. Looking forward to create things together, César Chávez.

