Women for hire comlavori


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    2,000 women for hire com lavori trovati, prezzi in EUR

    I’m looking for an experienced fashion designer who can create a comprehensive women apparel tech packs for a new online startup. I require this for a range of items including tops, bottoms and dresses. An individual who is well-versed in working with varied fabric types and can recommend the same based on the item specifications and design. An individual who can link me in with suppliers and manufacturers. Skills & Experience: - Depth of experience in designing tech packs for diverse apparel types. - Knowledge of various fabric types and their suitability for different clothing items. - Previous work experience with fashion houses or major labels is highly desirable.

    €54 (Avg Bid)
    €54 Offerta media
    23 offerte

    Please use bubble puff letters with no image but the words Name to incorporate in your logo: EMPOWERING ENDO SISTAS Slogan or tagline: Together for Healthy Equity Why does your brand exist? Endo Black, Incorporated is a black-women-led organization advocating for African American women living with endometriosis. Campaign objectives: to encourage African American women to seek endometriosis screenings to ensure accurate diagnoses and to become active patients. Main campaign logo should be bubble letters, fun, and bright. two examples attached

    €65 (Avg Bid)
    323 proposte

    Pretendo desenvolver um sistema de gestão para o nosso centro de formação, que possua no mínimo as seguintes funcionalidades: Cadastro de Alunos, Gestão de Cursos, eventos e workshops, Matrículas e Pagamentos, Controle de Presença, Avaliação e Desempenho, Agenda e Calendário, e preços, Comunicação Interna, Relatórios e Estatísticas, criação, gestão e emissão de certificados com QR Code, Biblioteca Virtual, Gestão de Recursos Físicos, Gestão de Instrutores, Feedback dos Alunos, Emissão de Faturas, Atualizações e Notificações, Gestão de Estágios e Colocações, área ...

    €280 (Avg Bid)
    €280 Offerta media
    9 offerte

    Need a logo for a hunting clothing product line targeting men/women on the “more classy” side of sportsmen wear. Need to associated the “pintail duck”. The clothing line is called Jimmy Pintail Attached is the Pintail duck

    €278 (Avg Bid)
    In primo piano
    €278 Offerta media
    93 offerte

    I'm seeking the expertise of a talented fashion designer who specializes in creating fresh, casual wearables for young adult women. With a project that aims to blend comfort with style, I'm eager to work with someone who can expertly research and innovate within the current market trends. **Key Project Focus:** - Clothing styles: Comfortable yet fashionable casual everyday wear - Accessories: Complement clothing with trendsetting accessories - Fabrics: Source quality, sustainable materials that appeal to young adults **Target Audience:** - Young adults, predominantly women with an eye for fashion-forward, comfortable clothing **Style Direction:** - Casual everyday wear that reflects the latest trends without sacrificing comfort **Skills & Exper...

    €8 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €8 / hr Offerta media
    36 offerte

    Já temos uma loja virtual com um sistema web e-Business e precisamos de um upgrade para que contenha os seguintes Módulos: Gerenciamento de Estoque; CRUDE Gerenciamento de Vendas ONLINE; Mercado Livre Loja Virtual CRUDE Gerenciamento de Vendas OFFLINE(BALCÃO); CRUDE Gerenciamento de Fornecedor; CRUDE Gerenciamento de Cliente; CRUDE Gerenciamento de Funcionário; CRUDE

    €926 (Avg Bid)
    €926 Offerta media
    29 offerte

    tenho um painel onde conecto via api com fornecedores e vendo seguidores instagram visualizações e gostaria de criar um bot que gerasse esses serviços e ligar via api nesse painel para que eu mesmo gere os serviços e nao precise pegar de fornecedor

    €14778 (Avg Bid)
    €14778 Offerta media
    13 offerte

    I am in need of a skilled Graphic Designer who can create captivating visuals suitable for my marketing campaign aimed at an older audience (50+). The successful candidate will have the opportunity for ongoing graphic design work with us based on the quality of their work on this initial small project. You must have demonstrated skills in: - Logo design, which should be both creative and reflective of our brand's identity. - Brochure design, to effectively communicate our marketing message. - Design of Point of Sale (POS) materials with a consistent, visually appealing aesthetic. - Social Media post designs that capture attention and drive user engagement. - Creation of a unique Mascot, embodying the spirit of our brand. - Packaging design that is inventive and aligns ...

    €62 (Avg Bid)
    €62 Offerta media
    93 offerte

    Estem buscant un desenvolupador certificat de Facebook per a dur a terme el següent: Emparellament avançat: configurar manual i automàticament l'emparellament avançat a la nostra pàgina web amb èxit i confirmar que els identificadors del client treballen com s'espera La nostra pàgina web és: [Enter URL] Nosaltres proporcionarem la següent informació necessària: - Accés a Facebook Business Manager - Assets per a Facebook Pixel i catàleg de producte - Accés administratiu a la pàgina web incloent gestors d'etiquetes i plataformes en línia

    €251 - €753
    €251 - €753
    0 offerte

    Procuro profissional com experiência em Gestão de Tráfego para otimização e promoção um site de vendas on-line. De preferência com conhecimentos em gestão de redes sociais com experiência em marketing digital para promoção do site em redes sociais (3/4 publicações por semana). Agradeço envio de trabalhos anteriores e qual o orçamento mensal. Obrigada!

    €6 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €6 / hr Offerta media
    15 offerte
    Vendas por telefone Terminato left

    Nossa empresa, a Fortsul, é responsável pela distribuição da marca FORTLED de iluminação. Tal marca pertence ao grupo FORTLEV, que é líder de mercado na construção civil, contando com vários produtos, sendo o principal deles as caixas d'água. O trabalho em questão é um projeto piloto na empresa para experimentar a viabilidade das vendas por telemarketing. Os produtos a serem vendidos são do segmento de iluminação, lâmpadas led no geral. A remuneração ofertada por nós é variada, contando com bônus de desempenho. Aguardamos seu contato

    €20 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €20 / hr Offerta media
    13 offerte

    ...incio das vendas. Tenho o desejo de criar um video que remeta ao video de abertura da novela "Amor Perfeito" (), quero usar apenas a ideia e usar alguns outros elementos que compoem mais o conceito das roupas, ja que na novela ela remete a um conceito distinto O link - !AmTxPmMPczCEgu0f_g27VT-2fpH3yQ?e=rfqFYb, possui duas pastas, uma com as midias das roupas, e na outra, imagens que podem ser usadas como inspiração para os planos de fundo do video, como acontece no video da novela. Seria interessante criar uma animações nas imagens de fundo como acontece na novela. Percebe-se que os planos de fungo remetem muito a elementos de natureza. lembrando que nosso animal pricipal é a "Arara-canindé", que sera usada como ...

    €105 (Avg Bid)
    €105 Offerta media
    28 offerte

    I'm looking for a talented freelancer to create a sleek, modern website dedicated to women's health services. My main goals are to: - Clearly outline my consultancy's services - Build an accessible platform for potential clients - Amend my current WIX website to reflect my branding goals - content is all there / ready but styling needs re-working! The successful candidate will: - Have proven experience in minimalist web design - Demonstrate previous work with high end, professional looking sites - Be proficient in creating user-friendly website layouts - Have knowledge of SEO best practices for blogs - Understand the importance of mobile-responsive design Skills: - Web Design and Development - UI/UX Design - SEO and Content Strategy - Wix Expertise ...

    €532 (Avg Bid)
    €532 Offerta media
    139 offerte

    I'm seeking a skilled freelancer to help launch a crowdfunding campaign for my new jewelry line targeted at women. The campaign aims to generate the necessary funds to kickstart my business. Here's what I'm looking for: - **Crowdfunding Expertise**: Someone with a proven track record in successful crowdfunding campaigns. - **Marketing Strategy**: Ability to formulate and execute a compelling marketing plan specifically tailored to a female audience. - **Content Creation**: Develop engaging content that showcases the uniqueness of my jewelry line. - **Social Media Savvy**: Leverage social platforms to reach potential backers and create buzz. - **Graphic Design**: Create visually captivating assets for the campaign page. Ideal candidates will have...

    €141 (Avg Bid)
    €141 Offerta media
    16 offerte

    I'm in the process of launching a sophisticated and modern website tailored for fashion-conscious women. The platform will provide a unique personal fashion styling service, merging style with digital convenience. Here's what I'm specifically looking for: Key Features: - A captivating style quiz to gauge personal tastes. - Personalized fashion recommendations tailored to individual style profiles. Target Audience: - The primary focus is on female users who value personal styling. Ideal Candidate: - Experience in creating membership-based platforms. - Proficiency in web design with a flair for modern, chic aesthetics. - Capable of integrating quizzes with immediate feedback mechanisms. - Knowledge of recommendation algorithms or related feature ...

    €150 (Avg Bid)
    €150 Offerta media
    90 offerte
    Custom Tshirt Sales Terminato left

    Ideal to work during mountain time business hours Looking for someone to do outside sales. Email current new customers I need a marketing expert to elevate my t-shirt business. - **Audience Insight:** - Men, women, and children targeted - **Material Focus:** - Preference not established (open to suggestions) - **Customization Strategy:** - Yet to decide **Essential Skills/Experience:** - Proven marketing track record, especially in fashion - Audience analysis and targeting - Creative campaign design - Knowledge of textile industry **Objectives:** - Develop a compelling marketing strategy - Advise on customization options and material choices - Increase sales across all audience demographics

    €6 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €6 / hr Offerta media
    9 offerte

    ****READ THIS BRI...professional to design some top-notch social media posts. -Coverage: Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and TikTok. Instagram: static Logo delivered over 6 tiles Facebook: static Logo text to add: ¡Únete gratis y empieza a ahorrar! text to add: Oferta24.com Twitter: static Logo text to add: ¡Únete gratis y empieza a ahorrar! text to add: Oferta24.com TicTok: Animation video of our logo text to add: ¡Únete gratis y empieza a ahorrar! text to add: Oferta24.com www.oferta24.com Our colours are light grey and blue (see logo and website for example) DO NOT SUBMIT ANYTHING UNLESS YOU REVIEW THE DESIGN BRIEF! ****Please take your time; we have additional projects to award the winn...

    €18 (Avg Bid)
    112 proposte

    Hi HIRE SEO EXPERTS, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.

    €92 (Avg Bid)
    €92 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    Hi HIRE SEO EXPERTS, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.

    €14 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €14 / hr Offerta media
    1 offerte

    Hi HIRE SEO EXPERTS, I noticed your profile and would like to offer you my project. We can discuss any details over chat.

    €17 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €17 / hr Offerta media
    1 offerte

    I'm seeking a talented individual to create a captivating YouTube advertisement video designed to generate leads by encouraging product purchases. The core objective is to motivate men and women ages 25-45 to buy our products after viewing the ad. Key Requirements: - Compelling script that speaks to our target audience. - Dynamic visuals and editing that highlight our product's benefits. - Strong, persuasive call-to-action for product purchase. - SEO-optimized video description for YouTube. Ideal Candidate Skills: - Proven experience in creating YouTube ads. - Expertise in video production and editing. - Understanding of lead generation strategies. - Knowledge of SEO and YouTube marketing. - Ability to deliver a high-quality video within the deadline. Obje...

    €54 (Avg Bid)
    €54 Offerta media
    10 offerte

    Ideal to work during mountain time business hours Looking for someone to do outside sales. Email current new customers I need a marketing expert to elevate my t-shirt business. - **Audience Insight:** - Men, women, and children targeted - **Material Focus:** - Preference not established (open to suggestions) - **Customization Strategy:** - Yet to decide **Essential Skills/Experience:** - Proven marketing track record, especially in fashion - Audience analysis and targeting - Creative campaign design - Knowledge of textile industry **Objectives:** - Develop a compelling marketing strategy - Advise on customization options and material choices - Increase sales across all audience demographics

    €9 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €9 / hr Offerta media
    27 offerte

    I am looking for a Python developer with experience in Selenium to modify my website scraping tool. The project involves optimizing existing features to ensure smooth and efficient scraping functionality. Specific requirements for the project include: - Analyzing and identifying areas for improvement in the current tool - Implementing optimizations to enhance scraping performance - Ensuring the tool is compatible and functional across multiple websites EXTRACTED DATA NEEDED ***********this is very important pulling products "DROPSHIPPING" & 1 MINUM BATCH "NOT 2" ONLY "1 BATCH************** 1)FULL TITLE 2)COLOUR OR ALL VARIENTS 3)PRICING CONVERTED INTO £ (GBP) UPLIFTED 50% ALL DATA 4) CATOGREY 5) SKU 6) ALL VARIENT PRODUCT IMAGES...

    €132 (Avg Bid)
    €132 Offerta media
    35 offerte

    I'm on the hunt for a seasoned Web Developer, an expert specifically in CPM coding. The project revolves around adding e-commerce transactions to our site, with the essential features to include: • A Shopping Cart • Secure Payment Gateway • Inventory Tracking System Your understanding and experience in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, in addition to strong CPM coding skills, will be key to your success in this project. Previous experience in building similar e-commerce functionalities is highly desirable. Your ability to integrate these features seamlessly without compromising the current structure of the site will be our key determining factor. Let's enhance our customer's shopping experience together! See our Food4Thought com as we want to expand ...

    €18 (Avg Bid)
    €18 Offerta media
    15 offerte

    I'm on the lookout for a talented freelancer to help me launch a dropshipping webshop, emphasizing women-focused products, that'll seamlessly integrate with Amazon India. Here's a snapshot of what I need: - **Webshop Creation**: Need to set up an attractive, user-friendly online store. Considering current market trends, I want a platform that’s easy to manage and scale. - **Platform**: While I mentioned Amazon and Flipkart, the base will be independently managed, with integration to Amazon as a key feature. - **Integration**: Must have expertise in API integration with Amazon India, ensuring a smooth sync of product listings, orders, and stock levels. - **Product Focus**: My focus is on the women’s category, including apparel and accessories, so ex...

    €151 (Avg Bid)
    €151 Offerta media
    45 offerte

    Preciso de alguém que possa criar o script para gerar um executavél do meu projeto, pelo INNOSETUP, junto dessa instalação é nescessário instalar o sql express 2022 e configurar o banco de dados, com nome da instancia, usuario e senha. Meu projeto é em c# com windows forms, irei disponibilizar a pasta com todos os arquivos que precisam ser compilados e as informações do nome do banco, instancia e senha a ser configurado no script pelo profissional.

    €21 (Avg Bid)
    €21 Offerta media
    5 offerte

    I'm looking for an experienced fashion designer to create a line of women's formal wear. My vision includes timeless, elegant designs that inspire confidence and sophistication. Key Responsibilities: - Design exclusive women's formal wear pieces - Incorporate feedback based on market trends Ideal freelancer: - Proven experience in fashion design, ideally in formal wear - Strong portfolio reflecting previous work - Understanding of modern women's fashion trends Your success in this role will be judged on the quality of the initial designs and their popularity among our target audience- women. I'm looking forward to finding a talented individual who can bring my vision to life through their designs.

    €331 (Avg Bid)
    €331 Offerta media
    23 offerte

    I'm seeking an experienced, multifaceted grant writer for a startup business by minority women, hiring minority women. This dynamic role requires skill in sourcing and securing government, foundation, and corporate grants. While our venture meets niche criteria, we're not exclusively looking at grants for minority women entrepreneurs. The ideal candidate has: - Vast experience in contemporary grants - Robust knowledge of startup grant opportunities - Expertise in diversity finance sourcing - Strong understanding of grant application processes and requirements - Proven background in securing diverse business funding

    €122 (Avg Bid)
    €122 Offerta media
    17 offerte

    ...funds for businesses, with a preference for those who have experience working with minority-owned and woman-owned startups. My venture is in the Mobile Semi-Truck Housekeeping/Detailing industry, and the funding opportunities have already been identified. Key aspects of the project: * Distill the facets of my business into compelling narratives to target grants. * My primary service is Interior Cleaning, showcase this to the potential funders. * Prior experience in writing grants for the cleaning industry is beneficial, but not mandatory. I need someone who can articulate the potential impact of my business, considering its niche within the trucking industry. Ability to work under pressure and meet strict deadlines is a definite plus. I'm looking for s...

    €393 (Avg Bid)
    €393 Offerta media
    28 offerte

    ...seeking a talented individual with a flair for creating compelling social media ads within the fashion industry, particularly tees. The perfect candidate will breathe life into campaigns that resonate with a diverse and stylish audience. - **Platforms**: Expertise in running campaigns across Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok is essential. - **Target Audience**: You'll design ads that appeal to both men and women, ensuring they speak to a wide demographic. - **Age Focus**: Your content should engage individuals between the ages of 18 and 44, capturing their imagination and style preferences. Ideal Skills: - Proven track record with fashion-centric social media advertising - Proficient with ad targeting and analytics on specified platforms - Creative mindset for ...

    €3 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €3 / hr Offerta media
    23 offerte

    ...compares hotel prices. The functionality must be robust, including the following elements: - Comparison of prices from various websites, improving the user's ability to find competitive deals. Being on one site, e.g.: booking. com, there will be information in browser about the price of the same hotel in the selected period in several other comparison sites, such as Agoda, Kayak, Expedia,... - Monitoring and history tracking for user reservations. - A system that allows users to collect points/tokens for each booking. - Inclusion of affiliate links. A successful candidate for this project needs to have experience in plugin development, particularly with Chrome and Firefox. Prior work with similar price comparison tools and affiliate marketing structu...

    €1000 (Avg Bid)
    €1000 Offerta media
    48 offerte

    I need a logo for “ShebyAK”. I want it to stand out but luxury looking. I want women to think of softness and well-kept when looking at it. It will be for a clothing startup and maybe other women related wellness items.

    €52 (Avg Bid)
    724 proposte

    We are rewriting our windows game in Unity, whose mesh and textures are ready. In our project, we are looking for a 3D generalist who can do rig painting, animation, effects, terrain, placing objects on the terrain, and effect design using ready-made meshes and textures in a mobile-optimized way with blender. Game can bee seen on knightonline1.com or search ko1 on youtube

    €13 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €13 / hr Offerta media
    18 offerte

    preciso de uma planilha que a Coluna A seja imputaçao manual de uma tarefa, como por exemplo: ligar pro cliente. Coluna B, é referente a habilidade que eu tenho pra executar essa tarefa: Baixa, media ou alta. Coluna C, é referente ao Desafio que eu percebo essa tarefa, tb com os mesmos "valores": baixo, medio e alto. E a coluna D precisa me dar o status dessas combinações da Coluna B e C. São 8 Status. Ou seja, se a pessoa colou baixo no B e médio no C, vai aparecer um status....

    €20 (Avg Bid)
    €20 Offerta media
    16 offerte

    I will award agents additional project...projects and add another 10% commission/gratuity to the payment for each successful project. I urgently require a proficient negotiator experienced with the Chinese market, specifically 1688.com, to represent my interests. Your role will consist primarily of: - Communication/message translations with supplier - Ensuring we secure the best deals Details of products to negotiate will be provided upon project assignment. I expect the project to be completed as soon as possible. Expertise in business negotiation and a strong understanding of the 1688 platform are key to this role. Fluency in Mandarin and English is a must to help bridge the communication gap. Past experience successfully negotiating with suppliers on 1688.com w...

    €152 (Avg Bid)
    €152 Offerta media
    16 offerte

    ...freelancer to bring my brand's vision to life by creating impactful branding that resonate with women, encapsulating empowerment, elegance, and innovation. **Requirements:** - Develop a cohesive brand identity portrayed through marketing materials. - Communicate qualities of empowerment, elegance, and innovation in the design works. **Skills Needed:** - Proven graphic design experience, particularly in print media. - Understanding of branding and marketing to women. - Proficiency in design software (e.g., Adobe Creative Suite). - Creativity in integrating themes of empowerment and elegance. - Portfolio showcasing innovative design solutions. **Deliverables:** Brand identity - logo animation video for existing logo Social media - 5 to 10 posts design, Social ...

    €229 (Avg Bid)
    €229 Offerta media
    14 offerte

    I require a talented Content Creator to develop engaging written and video content aimed towards Youth and Women. The core purpose of this content is both Informative and Promotional. This project involves the following responsibilities: - Creation of engaging written content: You will need to craft informative and promotional material tailored to our youthful, female demographic. - Development of captivating video content: Our audience responds well to dynamic visuals, so we're looking for someone who can translate our messages into video content that resonates. Ideal skills and experience for this role include: - Excellent written communication skills: Your writing should be clear, concise, engaging and tailored to our target audience. - Video creation a...

    €63 (Avg Bid)
    €63 Offerta media
    22 offerte

    I am seeking assistance to unblock my two websites which have been restricted by Facebook. I am unsure why they are blocked, and the error received in...standards, though I haven't pinpointed the issue as I’m unfamiliar with the specifics of Facebook's policies. I know the websites were hacked last year but now they are clean. Websites - tourpassion dot com tourpassionDMC dot com **Requirements:** - Expert in navigating Facebook's blocklist issues. - Familiarity with Facebook's Community Standards. - Ability to communicate with Facebook support or use alternative methods to resolve blocklist problems. **Skills Needed:** - Facebook platform knowledge. - Problem-solving abilities with social media issues. - Excellent communication for po...

    €77 (Avg Bid)
    €77 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    ...(USPs) - Include compelling visuals or graphics that focus on my physical products - Feature a clear, attractive advertisement for an ongoing competition. An ideal candidate for this project would possess exceptional visual design skills, specifically for web banners and product promotions. Prior experience of strategic marketing and understanding of USPs would be preferred. Also, a portfolio demonstrating previous works would be a great plus. Desktop Dimensions wxh: 1200 x 240 Mobile wxh: 360x740 BANNER 1&2 Competition Banner for ONE FOR EACH site: for UK in £ - Prize is a chance to win the Team associated rc8T4e for USA in $ - Prize is a chance to win the Rlaarlo AK917 Spend over £130/$150 with us this month and g...

    €69 (Avg Bid)
    59 proposte

    Looking for a smarty-pants ad expert to ski ramp our sales through excellently crafted Facebook ads. Our apparel - trendy tees and hoodies - are popular among both men and women. Therefore, we are looking to hit and charm everyone with our ads. Got a knack for sales strategies? Yes? Good! Here's the thing - this project is majorly towards raising our sales graph. We need a growth-focused professional who can curate effective Facebook ads that serve our goal right. Specific ad designs? Nah! We're open. We want to see your magic at work! Let your creativity loose and show us what "alluring" truly means. Feel free to go wild with ideas. Ideal candidate: - Experienced in the Facebook ad platform - Proven track record of increasing sales via social ...

    €229 (Avg Bid)
    €229 Offerta media
    22 offerte

    ...design for our office space, measuring 57.1m x 8.6m. The office benefits from natural light entering from three sides, including the 57m stretch and both width ends, which should be creatively utilized in the design. Our requirements include: Private Offices for Management, in numerical order indicating the importance of the position: "The number indicates the importance of the position." General Manager (1) Business Development and Marketing Director (2) Sales Manager (3) Human Resources Manager (shared office for two) (3) Additional Office (3) IT Manager (3) Financial Accountants (shared office for six) (3) After-Sales Service Manager (3) Manufacturing Manager (4) Procurement Manager (4) Open-Plan Offices: For the marketing, sales, and p...

    €447 (Avg Bid)
    €447 Offerta media
    60 offerte

    Procuramos um Gestor de Conteúdo e Redes Sociais em Português de Portugal. Com capacidade de escrita e noções estéticas para design em Canva. Trabalho recorrente.

    €4 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €4 / hr Offerta media
    23 offerte

    We wish to hire an experienced full stack develop. You must have a love and devotion to Jesus. You will be required to assist in the continued development and management of our platform. Must be fluid in CSS, HTML, PHP, SQL, AJAX and JAVASCRIPT.

    €18 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €18 / hr Offerta media
    81 offerte

    I am in need of an innovative and experienced fashion designer to create a captivating array of dresses for a diverse audience. My project entails designing a line of modern-style outfits across three categories: casual wear, party wear, and formal wear. My target clientele includes women and children, seeking fresh and contemporary designs to stand out. Key Project Requirements: - Craft modern, stylish designs for casual, party, and formal dresses. - Prioritize functionality and fashion for women's and children's wear. - Stay updated with current trends while infusing originality. Ideal Candidate Skills: - Proficient in fashion design software (e.g., Adobe Illustrator). - Strong portfolio in women's and children's modern apparel. - Creativ...

    €69 (Avg Bid)
    €69 Offerta media
    14 offerte

    I'd like to get the female character sculpted in Zbrush with Polypaint! I already have the concept and reference. Please send your previous female character sculpt that you did in Zbrush. Only send the work that you did related to female character. More details over chat! Thank you

    €411 (Avg Bid)
    €411 Offerta media
    54 offerte
    Sona Drape Creations Terminato left

    I'm looking for a talented freelancer to create fashion designs that cater to both men and women for various occasions. My embrace of casual and formal themes reflects a commitment to versatility, aiming to include dresses, suits, and evening gowns in my collection. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Fashion Design expertise - Portfolio with both genders' clothing - Proficient in casual and formal styles - Technical drawing ability for accurate representation - Fabric knowledge for dresses, suits, and gowns - Understanding of current fashion trends Responsibilities: - Develop a coherent line of designs - Translate concepts into sketches/technical drawings - Collaborate on fabric and color selections - Ensure designs are practical and marketable F...

    €86 (Avg Bid)
    €86 Offerta media
    5 offerte

    ...create a variety of designs for a clothing line targeting both men and women. The garments will primarily be casual wear, calling for designs that are eye-catching and speak volumes about the wearer's individual style. The designs required include: - Graphic designs: Using shapes, colors, or any other graphic elements to represent abstract ideas or concepts - Typography designs: Making the written word visually appealing and serving as an expressive message on the apparel - Illustrations: Creating unique drawings that tell a story and evoke emotions Any expert designer with experience in crafting a variety of fashion-related visuals will be a good fit for this project. A sound understanding of design tools, expert drawing skills, creativity, and a k...

    €230 (Avg Bid)
    €230 Offerta media
    13 offerte
    Improving my Logo Terminato left

    I am looking for an experienced graphic designer to create a logo for my business. This logo should convey professionalism and trust, resonating with the brand's offering. - Improve my attached image and present it in diffrent colour variations for me to select - I need you to create High Resolution version of the images Final Outcome: -Create versions with black bagrounds and others in White Background Create versions with Text: Designed Automotive Products and include our website address www.cronos4x4.com -Image files to be provided High Resolution in JPG, PNG and Photoshop formats

    €24 (Avg Bid)
    €24 Offerta media
    127 offerte

    Aplicativo com indicador financeiro

    €124 (Avg Bid)
    €124 Offerta media
    6 offerte

    Projeto preferencialmente para brasileiros ou falantes de português: Tenho uma lista com 57 produtos e 41 sites que vendem esses produtos. Sua tarefa será buscar cada um desses 57 produtos em cada um dos 41 sites, e copiar a URL de cada um deles numa planilha do Excel que eu vou fornecer (estou anexando um template exemplo). Veja no anexo que essa planilha tem 57 linhas e 41 colunas. Tudo que você tem que fazer é copiar a URL de cada produto/site nessa planilha. São produtos eletrônicos específicos de um único nicho, e a maioria dos sites também são de nicho, então a busca é relativamente simples. Porém requer muita atenção e paciência, pois alguns produtos podem ter nomes ...

    €98 (Avg Bid)
    €98 Offerta media
    78 offerte