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    5,000 wireless lavori trovati
    E commerce
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    Cerco un professionista che mi aiuti a vendere on line - tramite e-commerce - 10.000 smartwatch e 9,000 cuffiette wireless che ho stoccate in magazzino, con un accordo di collaborazione

    €1961 Average bid
    €1961 Offerta media
    91 offerte
    Pagina di vendita
    Terminato left

    Ho in magazzino uno stock di 10,000 cuffie wireless e di 8000 smartwatch - vorrei venderli on line tramite una pagina di vendita

    €184 Average bid
    €184 Offerta media
    34 offerte

    Ho nel mio magazzino in Italia per un errore di ordine : 1 stock di 5000 cuffier wireless Bluetooth e di 8000 Smartwatch, cerco professionisti che mi aiutino a venderle on line

    €233 Average bid
    €233 Offerta media
    13 offerte

    Il progetto prevede la realizzazione di un impianto audio switchabile con sistema di gioco tipo arcade. l'impianto prevede anche funzioni aggiuntive quali, sistema di ricarica wireless, punti luce e joubox gestibili da remoto. Tutto il sistema si può basare su raspbarry o simili e dovrà essere inserito all'interno di un mobile in stile neo vintage di medio alto livello

    €591 Average bid
    €591 Offerta media
    6 offerte

    stiamo cercando un disegnatore cad elettrico/elettronico per la realizzazione di disegni impianti speciali (cablaggio strutturato fibra/rame), impianti trasmissione dati wireless. we are looking for an electrical / electronic cad designer for the realization of special systems drawings (fiber / copper structured cabling), wireless data transmission systems.

    €24 / hr Average bid
    €24 / hr Offerta media
    16 offerte
    Mikrotik supporto
    Terminato left

    necessito di un professionista che tramite collegamento remoto possa risolvermi problemi ospf e di sicurezza su una rete già esistente composta da 13 nodi tutti mikrotik e link wireless ptp cambium

    €35 / hr Average bid
    €35 / hr Offerta media
    2 offerte

    Buonasera a tutti , mi serverebbe un perito/ingegnere elettronico che mi possa progettare un circuito che possa essere attivato tramite un dispositivo wireless nel raggio di 1 metro.

    €132 Average bid
    €132 Offerta media
    3 offerte

    Sviluppo di una stazione trasmittente (bluetooth/wifi) che dovrà effettuare il pairing con Smartphone (Ios e Android) che avranno un’APP dedicata (da sviluppare) per la gestione e l’elaborazione di file sonori. La stazione trasmittente acquisirà uno streaming audio dall’esterno, lo elaborerà e lo invierà in modalità criptata agli smartphone L’APP, dopo aver acquisito i dati dell’utente, effettuerà il pairing con la strumentazione (QR code) e sara in grado di elaborare il file sonoro Una volta individuata la fonte sonora deve essere in grado di registrarla e quindi salvarla sul profilo dell’utente geolocalizzandola.

    €485 Average bid
    €485 Offerta media
    14 offerte

    Salve, ho acquistato dei bottoni wireless configurabili tipo quelli di Amazon da un produttore cinese. (in allegato trovate alcuni documenti per capire meglio di cosa si tratta). Da quello che mi è stato detto i bottoni necessitano di un server a cui mandare un comando e il server poi manderà un email o svolgerà altre funzioni secondo le mie necessità. In passato ho già configurato autonomamente i pulsanti di Amazon collegandoli al sito , il quale poi ti permette di svolgere svariate funzioni. Ciò di cui ho bisogno adesso è qualcuno che mi spieghi il funzionamento di questi bottoni wireless e mi aiuti a configurarli per svolgere diverse funzioni, tra cui inviare email ed sms. Ho la possibilità di passarvi il contatto del...

    €176 Average bid
    In primo piano
    €176 Offerta media
    3 offerte

    Creazione prototipo hotspot con captive portal esterno. Abbiamo già pronto un captive portal + Radius funzionante raggiungibile tramite il web. L'idea è quella di configurare un access point che si possa collegare a qualsiasi rete con dhcp attivo e condivida la connessione internet tramite una nuova rete wireless dove l'accesso è gestito tramite il captive portal esterno già creato. Abbiamo già un prototipo (TL-WR841N v.9) funzionante con DD-WRT ma purtroppo il dispositivo utilizzato è troppo vecchio e non più in commercio. Abbiamo bisogno di creare delle alternative con modelli nuovi ed economici. Disponibili a valutare anche altre alternative se soddisfano le richieste del servizio che vogliamo lanciare e se il prototipo c...

    €1041 Average bid
    €1041 Offerta media
    6 offerte

    vorrei realizzare un prodotto con l'ausilio di Arduino. componenti: 2 comandi a distanza wireless devono comandare due lampade diverse e un avvisatore acustico con tempi di illuminazione e avviso programmabili. il tutto alimentato da una batteria ricaricabile a 12V

    €118 Average bid
    €118 Offerta media
    12 offerte

    Salve, Ho bisogno di un sistema per la gestione completa di un WISP (Wireless Internet Services Provider). Il progetto sarà così suddivisa: 1) Gestione rete Wisp 2) Gestione Clienti La gestione rete ha il compito di autenticare gli utenti tramite un server pppoe con il supporto radius, loggare il traffico secondo le normative antiterroristiche, monitorare il traffico, bilanciare la banda (limitando p2p) e predisposizione per gestire due o più linee internet. Mentre la gestione Clienti ha il compito di fatturare, monitorare i pagamenti e permettere ai clienti di visualizzare la loro posizione e di effettuare i pagamenti attraverso un portale a loro dedicato. la parte della gestione rete verrà collocata probabilmente presso un vps o server ded...

    €247 Average bid
    €247 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    Programmazione di un PLC con ingressi da pt100 wireless e uscite analogiche su valvole eletropneumatiche

    €625 Average bid
    €625 Offerta media
    4 offerte

    un rilevatore di tempi velocità medie con grafico percorso di prototipo in pista con trasmissione wireless

    €27 - €223
    €27 - €223
    0 offerte

    Necessito di realizzare un aninazione che va a spiegare come funziona il nostro servizio di connessione a internet wireless, in modo analogo ai seguenti video:

    €200 Average bid
    €200 Offerta media
    4 offerte

    Salve, ho costituito da alcun giorni questa ditta di servizi di connessione internet & social "netcomair" (ispirandomi ad una società che comparve nel film The Italian Job / ) ; Sto cercando un marchio/logo semplice formato per lo più dallo stesso nome netcom(air) ma con la parola air distaccata posta a fianco, sopra o sotto il nome stesso. Vi sarei grato se riusciste a farmi piacere un logo che intendo utilizzare come ditta principale per la parte "engineering" del progetto o anche infrastruttura di rete e collegamento a Internet. Successivamente intendo realizzare un nuovo logo per quanto riguarda la parte di vendita dei prodotti o servizi (marketing) che si contraddistinguerà per l'appunto da netcomair. Grazie anticipatamente per l...

    €98 Average bid
    €98 Offerta media
    4 offerte
    New Quiz Game
    Terminato left

    Ho bisogno di un professionista che si occupi di un progetto completamente nuovo relativo ad un quiz interattivo e multimediale gestito con tecnologia wireless. Tempi di realizzazione 3 mesi. Il risultato che vorrei ottenere e' un prodotto completo da poter gestire e castomizzare a piacimento

    €1024 Average bid
    €1024 Offerta media
    6 offerte

    Devo miniaturizzare (alleggerendo e togliendo alcune specifiche prestazioni) i circuiti stampati di cuffie commerciali wireless, sia del ricettore che del trasmettitore. L'ideale sarebbe qualcuno in grado di disegnare lo schematico e creare il relativo file Gerber. Altrimenti va bene anche se riesci a realizzare un prototipo in modo empirico, senza il disegno tecnico. Attendo un appassionato, entusiasta e competente. Possibili sviluppi futuri.

    €352 Average bid
    €352 Offerta media
    7 offerte

    Dobbiamo sviluppare un'interfaccia utente di gestione di una rete di telecontrollo wireless basata su hardware da noi prodotto. Non abbiamo particolari preferenze su SYSOP e ambiente. L'interfaccia deve ricevere e inviare comandi su porta COM (fisica o virtuale) al dispositivo ricetrasmittente. Di base si vuole disporre di alcune pagine contenenti una tabella riepilogativa dello stato di alcuni parametri di ogni dispositivo interrogato con possibilità di ordinamento per valori di colonna, uno scheduler affinchè siano eseguite azioni di comando precodificate verso i dispositivi, una con accesso protetto per la configurazione di alcuni parametri dei dispositivi e il salvataggio delle configurazioni, una con la disposizione dei dispositivi su sinottico con layou...

    €2405 Average bid
    €2405 Offerta media
    9 offerte

    Programmare una scheda Arduino per controllare, in modalità wireless, N coppie di sensori (capacità-temperatura) tramite un tablet o uno smartphone (Android...).

    €3779 Average bid
    €3779 Offerta media
    27 offerte

    ... parola chiave da inserire tra la terza e la quarta riga "contapersone per negozi" da ripetere nell'articolo altre 3 volte titolo 2- le varie tipologie dei sistemi contapersona articolo destinato a blog interno da nominare le parole -CONTAPERSONE MANUALI -CONTAPERSONE DIGITALE -CONTAPERSONE ELETTRONICI- -CONTAPERSONE ELETTRONICI CON MEMORY CARD -CONTAPERSONE ELETTRONICI WIRELESS con SOFTWARE -TELECAMERA TERMICA parola chiave tra la terza e la quarta riga "contapersone" titolo 3 - come funziona il sistema antitaccheggio articolo destinato a blog interno parola chiave tra la terza e la quarta riga "funzionamento dei sistemi antitaccheggio" da ripetere nell'articolo altre 5 volte "sistemi antitaccheggio" tito...

    €34 Average bid
    €34 Offerta media
    4 offerte

    Salve, Ho bisogno di un sistema per la gestione completa di un WISP (Wireless Internet Services Provider). Il progetto sarà così suddivisa: 1) Gestione rete Wisp 2) Gestione Clienti La gestione rete ha il compito di autenticare gli utenti tramite un server pppoe con il supporto radius, loggare il traffico secondo le normative antiterroristiche, monitorare il traffico, bilanciare la banda (limitando p2p) e predisposizione per gestire due o più linee internet. Mentre la gestione Clienti ha il compito di fatturare, monitorare i pagamenti e permettere ai clienti di visualizzare la loro posizione e di effettuare i pagamenti attraverso un portale a loro dedicato. la parte della gestione rete verrà collocata probabilmente presso un vps o server ded...

    €223 Average bid
    €223 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    ...Intergalactic Operations and Energy Hub (IOEH) Power Source: Primary: Plasma Fusion Reactor (Deuterium-Tritium) at the core, generating immense power and maintaining station stability with magnetic containment fields. Backup Power: Antimatter Reactor Cells offering unmatched energy density for scientific operations and emergencies. Energy Transmission: Quantum Entanglement Power Transfer (QEPT) for wireless power transmission across great distances. Energy Highlights: Energy Storage: Quantum Battery Arrays with near-infinite charge cycles. Energy Allocation AI: Quantum AI Grid efficiently managing power resources based on demand. 6. Autonomous Robotic Repair and Assembly Bay (ARRAB) Power Source: Primary: Next-Generation Solar Harvesters using graphene solar panels for 24/7 po...

    €91 Average bid
    €91 Offerta media
    9 offerte

    I'm seeking an expert in Arduino and NRF24I01 data transmission. The project involves utilizing an Arduino Uno and NRF24I01 module for a yet-to-be-determined purpose. Skills and experience: - Proficient in Arduino programming - Familiar with NRF24I01 module - Previous experience in wireless data transmission - Problem-solving skills to identify the best use of the system - Ability to work with minimal initial specifications The project's focus will be on establishing efficient data transmission. The specific nature of the data and its use will be defined as the project progresses. Your expertise will be key in determining the best approach to using the system for optimal performance.

    €79 Average bid
    €79 Offerta media
    7 offerte

    I am looking for an expert in red teaming assessments, particularly focusing on physical security. The assessment should cover: - Evaluating the effectiveness of our access control systems - Testing the robustness of our ...assessment should cover: - Evaluating the effectiveness of our access control systems - Testing the robustness of our surveillance systems Additionally, a thorough evaluation of our network security against various threats is essential. This includes: - Assessing our defenses against external threats - Identifying potential vulnerabilities to internal threats - Evaluating the security of our wireless network -Dark Web Traces The ideal candidate for this project would be a seasoned professional with extensive experience in red teaming and physical security as...

    €2086 Average bid
    €2086 Offerta media
    6 offerte

    I'm seeking a wireless engineer that is capable of designing a small tracking device. This includes electronic component selection, PCB design and assembly. The board will use a LTE Cellular (Cat-1 Bis or NB-IoT,) Modem (Quectel, Telit, etc.), and include a eSIM MFF2 (eUICC). The board will also support GPS and Bluetooth (BLE 5.1+) with stenciled or board integrated antennas. The board will be powered by a poly-lithium battery to be encased within a 3 in x 6 in x 0.12 in (7.5 cm x 15.25 cm x 3 cm) enclosure. Skills Required: - Wireless Engineering - Electronic Component Selection - PCB Design - Assembly - Knowledge of LTE, GPS, and Bluetooth Technology Additional information upon request.

    €1967 Average bid
    €1967 Offerta media
    49 offerte

    I am seeking a professional with extensive expe...Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) specifically for network testing. Key Responsibilities: - Conduct thorough network testing on our infrastructure. Ideal Skills: - Expertise in VAPT. - Strong understanding of network security. - Proficient in identifying and addressing potential vulnerabilities. Please note, the scope of the project does not currently include application or wireless testing. Experience Required: - Previous experience in network testing. - Proven track record in VAPT. - Excellent problem-solving skills. While the project may expand to include external or internal testing, as well as compliance checks and security policy evaluations, the current focus is on identifying vulnerabilities in ou...

    €1087 Average bid
    €1087 Offerta media
    22 offerte

    CM4 carrier board with the following features: * CM4 Module This board will have a socket for the CM4 module. The CM4 module used will be the CM4102016 (16GB eMMC, 2GB RAM, wireless). * Power Input 12V power input, connector Wago 2060-452/998-404 * USB Device Port A USB-C port in device mode for flashing CM4 * Screen The screen will be a LCD display. Screen will be connected either via HDMI or DSI. DSI connector TBC * Ethernet Support for 10/100/1000 Ethernet (using onboard PHY) * USB Hub and Ports USB 2.0 hub with 2 downstream ports. Configuration / port assignment should be identical to CM4 IO board - suggest using same part and schematic. * USB Serial Suggest CH343P. Use female USB B port for interface. Connect to UART0 (GPIO14 / GPIO15) for serial console. * CAN Bus CAN bus usi...

    €446 Average bid
    €446 Offerta media
    43 offerte

    ...currently in need of a seasoned academic writer with a strong background in wireless networking and security, particularly focusing on my thesis about intrusion detection mechanisms within wireless sensor networks. Key Responsibilities: - Craft a comprehensive and compelling thesis centered on the security of wireless sensor networks, with a particular emphasis on intrusion detection mechanisms. - Ensure the thesis is well-researched, academically rigorous and meets all necessary academic standards. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in academic writing, specifically thesis writing. - Strong understanding and knowledge of wireless networking and security. - Previous experience working with or studying wireless sensor networks. - Excell...

    €74 Average bid
    €74 Offerta media
    25 offerte

    ...Requirements of the MSP The MSP must have: Proven experience with managing and supporting Ubiquiti networks, particularly in challenging environments such as rural or underserved areas. Expertise in working with Ubiquiti USG, EdgeRouters, Switches, LTU Rocket, Rocket Prism, AC Mesh Access Points, and UniFi Cloud Controllers. Strong knowledge of networking principles and best practices, especially in wireless point-to-point (PTP) and point-to-multipoint (PTMP) environments. Ability to provide timely and effective remote and on-site support when required. Certified technical personnel with expertise in Ubiquiti devices and networking. 7. Timeline and Contract Duration The contract will commence from the date of signing and will be valid for an initial period of 12 months, with th...

    €659 Average bid
    €659 Offerta media
    15 offerte

    I am in need of a professional with a strong background in Integrated Circuit (IC) design. The project involves working with the Nordic nrF52832 ...seamless integration of all components. Ideal Candidate: - Extensive experience with Nordic nrF52832 MCU and PCBA design. - Strong understanding of IC design. - Experience with OLED displays and weight sensors. - Proficient in firmware and protocol development. - Previous work in wireless communication integration is a plus. Specific Requirements: - The OLED display will be used for visual output. - The weight sensor will be used to monitor changes in weight. - The firmware must include functionalities for wireless communication. - Find My experience to verify with Apple Ecosystem Please bid only if you have the relevant exper...

    €472 Average bid
    €472 Offerta media
    13 offerte

    I'm looking for an expert to design a PCB circuit that primarily processes signals from motion sensors using sound sensor. This circuit should have wireless connectivity features. This is for building a electronic target for air pistol shooting practise Ideal Skills and Experience: - Extensive experience in PCB design and signal processing - Proficiency in working with motion sensors - Skills in implementing wireless connectivity in PCB circuits

    €47 Average bid
    €47 Offerta media
    14 offerte

    Wireless design + heat map with explanation of design.

    €59 Average bid
    €59 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    I'm seeking an experienced network administrator to implement a new hybrid network infrastructure for a medium-sized business. Key tasks include: - Designing and deploying a robust hybrid network (combining both wired and wireless elements). - Ensuring the new network infrastructure is capable of supporting our current needs, with room for future scalability. Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in network design and implementation, particularly for hybrid networks. - Strong understanding and expertise in setting up medium-sized business networks. - Excellent problem-solving skills, with the ability to foresee and address potential network issues before they impact business operations.

    €103 Average bid
    €103 Offerta media
    11 offerte

    I'm looking for an Android mobile application that enables users to configure specific modem settings without needing to directly access the modem's interface. The key features of the app should include: - Configuration of Wireless settings - MAC Address blocking functionality The app should connect to the modem via a Wi-Fi connection to apply these settings. It is sufficient for the application to work with any modem brand, such as TP-Link or Tenda. We need a mobile application that allows users to configure wireless settings, MAC address blocking, and other modem settings through forms in our mobile app without accessing the modem's interface. The application will be developed using Flutter. After the user connects their phone to the modem via Wi-Fi, the...

    €454 Average bid
    €454 Offerta media
    35 offerte

    ...background in Security Camera Systems. The PCB will primarily interact with the wireless communication module, BMS, Wireless Cameras System, so expertise in this area is crucial. Key Requirements: - 3d Manufacturing Design. - Proficient in WiFi technologies, as the PCB will support this wireless technology. - Knowledge of Bluetooth is also necessary, since the PCB will need to support this wireless technology too. - Familiarity with satellite internet systems is a must, as the PCB will need to interface with these systems. - Well-versed in batteries and Battery Management Systems (BMS). Ideal Skills: - PCB design experience specifically for security camera systems. - Strong understanding and experience with wireless camera systems. - Understanding ...

    €13 Average bid
    €13 Offerta media
    10 offerte

    I'm looking for an Android mobile application that enables users to configure specific modem settings without needing to directly access the modem's interface. The key features of the app should include: - Configuration of Wireless settings - MAC Address blocking functionality The app should connect to the modem via a Wi-Fi connection to apply these settings. It is sufficient for the application to work with any modem brand, such as TP-Link or Tenda. We need a mobile application that allows users to configure wireless settings, MAC address blocking, and other modem settings through forms in our mobile app without accessing the modem's interface. The application will be developed using Flutter. After the user connects their phone to the modem via Wi-Fi, the...

    €1198 Average bid
    €1198 Offerta media
    48 offerte

    I'm looking for a PCB designer with experience in consumer electronics to create a specific PCB for a device. Key Responsibilities: - Design a PCB with an emergency calling feature. - Integrate a siren connected both wirelessly and via wired connections. - Ensure the PCB supports Wi-Fi as the primary wireless communication protocol. Ideal Skills: - Proficient in PCB design software. - Previous experience in designing PCBs for consumer electronics. - Understanding of integrating wireless and wired connections on a PCB. - Familiarity with designing PCBs supporting emergency features. Please provide a portfolio of similar projects if available.

    €283 Average bid
    €283 Offerta media
    15 offerte

    ...pick up only my neighbor's dogs barking. It should not activate from any other sound, such as my neighbors talking or listening to music. This may require machine learning; I am not sure. I need to source microphones. This device will cover a fairly wide area and may require multiple microphones, long cables, and several high-powered ultrasonic speaker arrays. If this is a way to make the system wireless, other than the power source, that would be very convenient. I need to source ultrasonic speakers. Ultrasonic speakers tend to be unidirectional and narrow in focus. I may create a curved array so that the distribution pattern is wide leaving no quiet zones in the area of interest. The speakers must be extremely powerful to fully penetrate the area of interest. I will need ...

    €229 - €686
    In primo piano Sigillata
    €229 - €686
    21 offerte

    ...Proficiency in both mechanical and electronic assembly - Circuit Design & PCB Development: Expertise in creating circuits for microcontrollers and sensor systems. Sensor Integration: Ability to work with water flow sensors and process signals for accurate measurements. Embedded Programming: Proficient in programming microcontrollers (e.g., Arduino, Raspberry Pi) for data processing and control. Wireless Communication & IoT: Familiarity with protocols like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, or ZigBee for real-time data transmission. Power Management: Knowledge of battery efficiency and low-power design. Data Analysis & Algorithm Development: Experience in developing algorithms for water usage monitoring and conservation notifications. Prototyping & Testing: Skills in building and c...

    €209 Average bid
    €209 Offerta media
    26 offerte

    I'm in need of an innovative small camera system designed specifically for my trucks. This system should not only be capable of live recording, but also tracking the vehicle in real-time. Key Features: - Live recording capabilities - Real-time tracking of the truck Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in designing smart camera systems - Proficiency in knowledge of transport s...recording capabilities - Real-time tracking of the truck Ideal Skills and Experience: - Expertise in designing smart camera systems - Proficiency in knowledge of transport systems - Experience with truck-specific surveillance systems The goal is to cover a complete view of a truck using AI or visual intelligence, allowing for live video recording, GPS tracking, and tamper detection in a secure, wirel...

    €97 Average bid
    €97 Offerta media
    9 offerte

    I'm looking for an RF expert to create a comprehensive plan for a base station on an educational campus. The primary objec...need to take into account various levels of density, as the base station scenarios will ned to assume 50 modems, 100 modems and 250 modems. - The fixed wireless indoor 4G modems will be installed throughout the campus buildings, which include a mix of residential, commercial, and mixed-use structures. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Extensive knowledge of RF engineering, particularly in relation to base station design and implementation. - Prior experience with 4G technology and fixed wireless systems. - Ability to design for a variety of density levels and optimize for maximum coverage and throughput. - Understanding of indoor wirel...

    €14 - €23 / hr
    In primo piano Urgente Sigillata
    €14 - €23 / hr
    10 offerte

    I'm looking for a professional to help me install an indoor motion sensors in commercial building. The primary purpose of this installation is to monitor occupancy. Ideal candidates for this project should have - Experience with handy man type of works - Experience with the installation of ceiling mounted devices, wireless access points - Ability to ensure the installation is secure and discreet - Professionalism and attention to detail - Basic network knowledge

    €15 - €31 / hr
    €15 - €31 / hr
    0 offerte

    I...desktop computers requiring a meticulous approach to hardware upkeep, network setup, and OS installation. Key Tasks: - PC Maintenance: This is the first priority. The selected freelancer will need to clean and dust components, replace any faulty parts, and upgrade hardware components as necessary. - Networking Setup: A hybrid setup is needed. The freelancer will need to establish both wired and wireless networks across the site. - Windows OS Installation: After hardware and networking tasks, the installation of Windows OS on all machines will be required. Ideal Skills: - Basic experience in hardware maintenance and networking setup. - Proficiency in Windows OS installation. - Ability to identify and replace faulty hardware components. Budget: Rs 30,000 - 50000 Kindly send y...

    €146 Average bid
    €146 Offerta media
    7 offerte

    I'm in need of a skilled network engineer who can create a comprehensive business network on Packet Tracer. The network should be a combination of routers, switches, and wireless access points, designed for optimal performance and reliability in a business setting. read the images for description on what need to be done

    €511 Average bid
    €511 Offerta media
    37 offerte

    Visually appealing and memorable logo for my brand, LoungeEtech. Our brand focuses on integrating cutting-edge technology into our recliner sofas, offering features such as Cooler cupholders, wireless charging, USB C, electric recline and headrests. Key Requirements: - It must be delivered in an editable Illustrator File in Vector format. - I will not award an AI Generation - The logo should be bright, colorful, and modern to reflect the innovative and tech-centric nature of our products - The design should incorporate a Large E in the centre as a focal point with the words Lounge to the left and Tech to the right - symbols such as sofas, technological symbols, and abstract shapes to represent the fusion of comfort and technology that defines our product line but make it simple. ...

    €90 Average bid
    848 proposte

    ...Raspberry Pi CM4. This PCB will be utilized in a consumer electronics product. Key Requirements: - The PCB needs to support various functionalities as outlined in the referenced document. - Experience in designing PCBs for consumer electronics is crucial. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proficiency in PCB design software. - Previous experience with Raspberry Pi CM4. - Knowledge in designing for wireless connectivity, audio/video output and sensor integration. - Able to interpret and implement complex design blueprints and schematics. Please note, the specific functionalities the PCB needs to support are detailed in a separate document. The design will not be constrained by a specific format or type of document, as this question was skipped. However, adherence to industry sta...

    €443 Average bid
    €443 Offerta media
    27 offerte

    Ihave mini project in wireless communication using matlab , i built the simulink and most of parts work and i got good results ... but there is sub-part cannot work .... the title is Performance of LDPC Coded with OFDM -high level qam over AWGN and Rayleigh channel...firstly with noisy channel all parts work in good condition .. however over rayleigh channel , I implement qam the qam with equalizer then qam with ofdm and equlizer ,i used differen subcarreir and differen doppler shift and every thing is good ,but when i apply LDPC i got error ... so if you can solve this issue i will happy ... i am ready to send my model to you to make it easy for you ,just modify configration best regards

    €67 Average bid
    €67 Offerta media
    8 offerte

    I migliori articoli di wireless della community