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    5,000 print lavori trovati
    Print Menu Creation
    Terminato left

    Buongiorno, Avrei bisogno di un graphic designer che potrebbe sviluppare il menù per un locale nello stile come in allegato. Si dovrebbe contenere solo un foglio stampato su entrambi i lati. Il file generale con tutti i piatti e bevande è già pronto. Alla fine mi servirebbe di ricevere un file modificabile su illustrator/photoshop/canva.

    €79 Average bid
    €79 Offerta media
    70 offerte

    Fare una ricerca per trovare almeno 50 Online & Print Media del settore della nightlife e/o entertainment in Italia Bastano i link del sito Web + Facebook e/o Instagram Il file allegato serve come aiuto

    €36 Average bid
    €36 Offerta media
    4 offerte

    In this project we need the graphics to customize the paper bags for take-away. The sachet will be white or kraft, most likely the print will be monochrome, so first of all we have to consider a graphic that works regardless of color. The graphics must contain our logo (CASAFUSCO) and that of our trusted partner (Caffè Tomeucci) with whom we have always collaborated. We would like to use graphics also for advertising purposes, to highlight the quality of the products, and our sales contacts, such as social pages, website, delivery (Glovo) We are also open to other ideas of course, but the intent is to give a marketing utility to the paper bag. The content will be both sweet and salty, such as brioche, sandwiches. The paper bag measurements will be: 10x21 12x28 17x35 ...

    €55 Average bid
    17 proposte

    COSA CERCO Una/un creative designer per T-shirt a supporto per la creazione di un e-commerce personale (inizialmente attraverso print on demand per testare l’idea) che deve partire da zero CONCEPT Da un punto di vista del design l’idea è l’utilizzo prevalente di pattern ricorrenti (es. uno stesso oggetto/grafica/silhouette/simbolo, magari con uno / più elementi diversi e con colori diversi Keywords: conceptual design, minimal, simmetria, colori pastello, significato e psicologia dei colori, t-shirt con un messaggio Focus sulla combinazione di colori abbinati ai pattern All’elemento grafico va abbinato un copy / frase che identifica il messaggio della t-shirt e di quel design TARGET T-shirt indirizzate a nicchie specifiche (che saranno poi rifl...

    €1536 Average bid
    €1536 Offerta media
    12 offerte
    3d model create
    Terminato left

    I need this model to be recreated in 3d so that I can print it in 3d with my printer.

    €48 Average bid
    €48 Offerta media
    4 offerte

    Ho bisogno di un designer per creare una linea di magliette/felpe in modalità print-on-demand da vendere su un sito creato tramite shopify e di uno sviluppatore web per creare appunto il sito su shopify.

    €220 Average bid
    €220 Offerta media
    11 offerte

    ...such as modules to use, horizontal menu, 1 personal data, a company, an historical archive of the contacts occurred, example, made, email, visits, etc., on the command line have forms, email, tel voip, tel whatsapp, video conference zoom, chat, two buttons to see the front end, in front, or crud form. various archives, and a standart horizontal line with all options, edit, insert, delete, archive, print etcc. 1 module for importing and exporting databases, in personal and company records. in the form form authorized person login and user, having connected a form where activated or not the preferences of which modules can access and see in the menu,. in the choice of company or person registry management module, active index filters, addresses, by country, city region, to give a p...

    €538 Average bid
    €538 Offerta media
    7 offerte

    I need a form with signature - esign allows users can use to sign and compile my pdf online with tablet (jSignature) output : pdf file for print and database like excel with all data (name , telephone , mail) RINNOVO NUOVO choose one option DATA RICHIESTA to 1/1/2020 to 31/12/2020 obligatory ANNO DELETE Il sottoscritto/a NOME COGNOME Nato a LUOGO DI NASCITA il DATA DI NASCITA Residente a LUOGO DI RESIDENZA Cap. CAP Via VIA DI RESIDENZA Cell NUMERO DI TELEFONO (obligatory) Indirizzo e-mail MAIL (facoltative) Firma E-SIGN Competenze richieste

    €52 Average bid
    €52 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    ...deve essere creato con i dati stampati. Parte delle formule sono già state create da me, parte devono essere inserite (e create) secondo le mie indicazioni. E' richiesta competenza per le formule di google document e per gli applicativi che si interfacciano con fogli di lavoro google e google drive. - - - - - - - Create of a worksheet with various formulas and graphics and file saving for print and database. In summary: 1) I (the user) enter data that is processed by the google document worksheet 2) after processing, a button must allow me to save the processed data to a google document folder and clean up the worksheet from previously linked data. The saved data must be accessible in the future, a PDF must be created with the printed data. Part of the formul...

    €46 / hr Average bid
    €46 / hr Offerta media
    10 offerte

    ...the person -> Module 3> Sub-forms with other data relating to the person -> Module 4> Subforms with other data relating to the person -> Module 5> Sub-forms with other data relating to the person Each Module and its sub-modules contain data of a certain category such as personal data, daily diary, daily activities, etc. All the "exports" in PDF (made for example with FPDF) will be grouped in a "Print Form" in which the person will be chosen and the Module (1..5) to be exported in pdf. In addition, there will be a "global" export where each person can create a single PDF file containing all his data from Module 1 to Module 5. This will allow you to create both the PDF of each of the 5 Modules and a global PDF of all the Modules toge...

    €363 Average bid
    €363 Offerta media
    11 offerte

    Abbiamo scritto un libro, abbiamo bisogno che venga formattato per essere pubblicato su amazon e quindi che segue gli standard amazon kdp (con il print on demand) Dobbiamo pubblicarlo anche in kindle quindi bisogna formattarlo anche per il kindle

    €25 Average bid
    €25 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    Restyling N. 4 Infografiche per web e print

    €75 Average bid
    €75 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    ... ho realizzato uno script python (sono un programmatore alle prime armi) utilizzando il modulo requests, però va in errore. Potreste aiutarmi voi ? Questo è lo script: import requests payload = {'userid':'USERTEST','password':'TEST_1234'} r=('https://admin_user:admin_password@',data=payload) r.raise_for_status() print() Dove sbaglio ? grazie mille...

    €30 Average bid
    €30 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    Buona giorno, Rappresento un'azienda del settore tipografico e cartotecnico di lusso/preminum, che ha la necessità di pubblicare un articolo su una rivista di settore molto importante. vorrei ricevere disponibilità e preventivo per la seguente attività di copywriter. questi i riferimenti: Mi occorrerebbe un testo da pubblicare su una rivista Si tratta di una rivista di settore molto curata e con standard di stampa molto alti, in cui pongono massima cura verso le nobilitazioni e l'uso della carta. ualmente stanno preparando un numero speciale di cui riporto qui sotto la loro descrizione: …tutto dedicato al packaging del lusso e aziende come che si occupano di

    €53 Average bid
    €53 Offerta media
    9 offerte

    I'd like to make small changes to my labels, to make them more attractive. Vorrei attuare delle piccole modifiche alle mie etichette per renderle più attrative.

    €70 Average bid
    €70 Offerta media
    48 offerte

    ...di contenuti (in italiano) per un sito web di un agenzia di comunicazione, precisamente n.6 pagine, in particolare per le seguenti aree: Digital Marketing, Seo, Advertising, Publishing & Print, Web Development, Grafica Per ognuna di queste pagine ho bisogno di Titolo, Sottotitolo, Testo e immagini e/o grafici. I contenuti andranno realizzati sulla base di linee guida che darò nel corso del briefing. I need the content creation (in Italian) for a website of a communications agency, precisely for 6 pages, in particular for the following areas: Digital Marketing, SEO, Advertising, Publishing & Print, Web Development, Graphics. For each of these pages I need title, subtitle, text and images and / or graphics. The contents has to be made according to th...

    €171 Average bid
    €171 Offerta media
    19 offerte

    Realizzazione di on line print shop. sito di riferimento

    €1291 Average bid
    €1291 Offerta media
    36 offerte

    ...questo servizio, pro e contro, costi, in quali situazioni può essere utile, REALI CASI DI APPLICAZIONE/UTILIZZO (importante) e così via. La guida deve essere: -Unica e originale, verrà inserita nel mio blog e non potrà essere rivenduta a terzi per ovvie ragioni. -Di facile lettura e comprensione per un utente non tecnico -Deve essere una vera e propria "guida all'uso" -Corredata di immagini (print screen) ove necessario -Scritta in maniera informale -Molto completa e dettagliata! Il candidato deve avere -Possibilmente esperienza di utilizzo del servizio -Un buono stile di scrittura ed un ottimo italiano -Buona conoscenza della lingua inglese (nell'ottica di una collaborazione futura) -Del materiale già pubblic...

    €129 Average bid
    €129 Offerta media
    23 offerte

    Typeset and layout 32 page newsletter in English and Italian. 8 pages full color balance black and white. Pages are 8.5 X 11. Print size is 11 X 17 folded and stitched. Editor speaks Italian and a little English. He supplies all articles, photos and filler. About 5-7 working days turn around. Sample available.

    €295 Average bid
    €295 Offerta media
    3 offerte
    Costruire Siti Web
    Terminato left

    , nuovo portale di comparazione prezzi, ricerca per collaborazione esterna immediata Web Designer Freelance per la realizzazione di immagine coordinata, grafiche di layout, dem e banner. Requisiti Principali: ­ - Solide basi di user interface design, brand identity e print design; ­ - Buona capacità di analisi e autonomia nella progettazione/realizzazione di layout web; ­ - Capacità di ricerca ed utlizizzo di materiali esistenti quali templates, icone, foto royalty free ed assets; ­ - Ottima conoscenza dei software Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop; ­ Creatività e problem solving. Requisiti graditi: ‐ Conoscenza ed attitudine verso User experience design; ‐ Conoscenza software di Web Design, HTML e CSS; ‐ Consolidata esperien...

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Offerta media
    13 offerte

    we need to draw a color brochure ready to print for trips for a travel agency only one sheet A4 folded in 3 logo provide photos and text. ci serve disegnare una brochure colori pronta per la stampa per escursioni per una agenzia viaggi un solo foglio a4 piegato in 3 forniamo logo foto e testi.

    €72 Average bid
    €72 Offerta media
    14 offerte

    Membuat print format Purchase Order di ERPNext

    €6 - €18
    €6 - €18
    0 offerte

    Crezione e disegno sito web web to print con prestashop + creazione logo Creazione e installazione del database presta shop sul nostro dominio BackOffice di controllo del sito web in lingua italiano FrontOffice di lettura dello shop in 5 lingue (italiano, inglese, tedesco, francese, spagnolo) FrontOffice di vendita dello shop in 36 paesi (Austria, Australia, Belgio, Brasile, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Cipro, Croazia, Danimarca, Estonia, Finlandia, Francia, Germania, Grecia, Irlanda, Italia, Lettonia, Lituania , Lussemburgo, Malta, Norvegia, Olanda, Paesi Bassi, Polonia, Portogallo, Regno Unito, Repubblica Ceca, Romania, Slovacchia, Slovenia, Spagna, Svezia, Svizzera, Ungheria e USA) Crazione backoffice delle pagine e dei prodotti e keywoerds in 5 lingue Creazione logo Azie...

    €421 Average bid
    €421 Offerta media
    3 offerte

    buongiorno, cerchiamo freelancer in europa con perfetta conoscenza lingua inglese per scrivere i contenuti del nostro sito e-commerce (settore design /art print) e animare facebook page. Inoltre redarre dei comunicati per promozione online su blog/website Preferenza per madrelingua inglese.

    €195 Average bid
    €195 Offerta media
    6 offerte

    Vorrei costruire una tipografia on-line web to-print, lingua base italiano e backoffice italiano con traduzioni front-office in 5 lingue (inglese,spagnolo,tedesco,francese,italiano)con vendite dei prodotti in tutta l' europa, ho un sito web di cui vi posso dare un'esempio. il sito web deve essere fatto con prestashop

    €897 Average bid
    €897 Offerta media
    14 offerte

    ...concepito con un gusto grafico che non mi appartiene HOMEPAGE DIVISA IN DUE SEZIONI: MEDICAL e BUSINESS La struttura del sito sarà la stessa sia per medical che business ma cambieranno le immagini, i colori ed i testi LE PARTI E LE Sottoparti DEL SITO SARANNO: CHI SIAMO: news, blog, lavora con noi, tag area COSA FACCIAMO: web marketing, selling marketing, corporate identity, graphic design, print, other services (sottosezioni: tag, i nostri lavori collegati servizio per servizio, listino prezzi, chiedi maggiori informazioni) PERCHE' NOI: referenze I NOSTRI LAVORI: suddivisi per categoria REFERENZE: lista di tutti i nostri clienti DOVE SIAMO CONTATTACI: form per la compilazione contatti La parte + importante è COSA FACCIAMO, deve essere studiata molt...

    €1123 Average bid
    €1123 Offerta media
    19 offerte

    ...combinations that you think suit me . Nothing flashy but not to limp . Something energetic and powerful , it is beautiful and elegant. Business Cards: double-sided with only logos of the social network i'm connected with ( skype, fb, twitter, youtube , Linkedin ) . as well as to my mail , telephone and link to the website . a) I want them to do even print to a printer on beautiful type of heavy paper. b ) in case of emergency I want to print them at home , I have the paper Avery C32016 -25 , I could serve a layout for this size The layout of Keynote (Mac Power Point) and also for power point, just put the logo and give a graphic to match. The letterhead both in word and in pages, with the logo , some color shades in the same color with the logo and all corporate...

    €181 Average bid
    €181 Offerta media
    3 offerte

    Ciao, ho bisogno di customizzare i campi attributi di virtuemart per scegliere vari valori, esempio: - Incrociare i dati "quantità" in base alle misure ed i colori che si desiderano (in base alle quantità da scegliere, il prezzo varia da/a) - Scegliere posizione della stampa, tipo di stampa ed allegare il file da stampare Allego screenshot del progetto, grazie.

    €46 - €91
    €46 - €91
    0 offerte

    ...a comprehensive, user-friendly Gate Security App. The primary focus of this app should be on Visitor Management. Key Features: - Pre-registration of visitors: The app should allow for visitors to be registered in advance, streamlining the check-in process and enhancing security. - Visitor badge printing: The app should integrate with a badge printer, allowing for security personnel to easily print badges for visitors. - Visitor log and reports: The app should maintain a log of all visitors and generate reports as needed for review. User Base: This app will have three main user groups: - Security personnel: They will primarily use the app to manage and monitor visitor access. - Office staff: They will use the app to pre-register visitors and track their arrival. - Residents or ...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Offerta media
    15 offerte
    Modern Marriage Invitation Design
    6 giorni left

    I'm looking for a professional designer who can create a modern marriage invitation for me. The invitation should be suitable for both digital (PDF/Email) and printed formats. Key requirements: - Design a stylish, contemporary invitation that reflects a modern aesthetic. - Ensure the design is adaptable for both digital and print without losing quality or style. Ideal skills and experience: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly in creating invitations or similar design work. - Strong understanding of modern design trends. - Ability to deliver high-quality work within a specified timeframe.

    €9 / hr Average bid
    €9 / hr Offerta media
    16 offerte

    I'm looking for a designer to ...for the advertising sector would be a plus. - A keen eye for professional and formal design elements. Format A65 99x210mm Print quality Company main products are here One page = one product Product page consists of 3D drawing or/and drawing one or two pictures. and small text paragraph 30 words All the information about products and pictures could be downloaded from As a contest participant please make a catalog pages for the products from Please fill free to use any materials from site, even if they are low quality. For print production we well give a good ones and continue working under the catalog with winner.

    €49 Average bid
    13 proposte

    I'm looking for a modern styled business card. The ideal freelancer for this project should have a keen eye for contemporary design trends and a portfolio showcasing minimalist yet striking designs. Key Requirements: PHOTOSHOP! - Exceptional graphic design skills - Experience with modern design and a classic look for engineering firm! - Strong understanding of print design I will provide the text for card, as seen on graphic below

    €20 Average bid
    €20 Offerta media
    71 offerte

    I'm looking for a designer with a unique, imaginative style to create graphic designs for marketing materials. This project particularly involves creating designs that could be printed on costumes. Ideal Skills and Experience: - Proven experience in graphic design, particularly for marketing materials - Demonstrated ability to create imaginative and unique designs - Experience with designs for print, particularly on unconventional surfaces like costumes - Strong portfolio showcasing diverse design styles and creativity - Excellent communication skills to understand and implement design concepts

    €17 Average bid
    €17 Offerta media
    25 offerte

    I need an image converted into a simple line art vector for print materials. The final vector image should be delivered in SVG, EPS, and PDF formats.

    €10 Average bid
    €10 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    I'm looking for a designer to create a modern and sleek print catalogue for showcasing our range of wooden flooring products. The catalogue should effectively highlight our product range in a visually appealing manner. Ideal skills and experience for the job include: - Graphic Design - Print Design - Catalog Design - Knowledge of Modern Sleek Design Aesthetics - Experience in Product Showcasing

    €26 / hr Average bid
    €26 / hr Offerta media
    22 offerte

    I need a designer to help me finalize the designs for my business card and packaging card. The logo and branding already exist, so no logo design is needed. The style of the designs should be modern and sleek, in line with my existing branding. The business card should include my name, title, and contact details. The ideal freelancer would have skills in graphic design, branding, and print design, with a strong portfolio of sleek, modern designs.

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Offerta media
    101 offerte

    I'm in need of a software that functions like a virtual printer driver, converting physical print jobs into digital files and sending them to a cloud account. The software should support multiple operating systems, and the digital format of the printed documents should be primarily PDF for viewing and MySQL for data. Key Requirements: - The virtual printer driver should be able to send files to either Google Drive or OneDrive. - It should be compatible with Windows, macOS, Linux, iOS, and Android. - The software should convert print jobs into PDF format for viewing and MySQL format for data. Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in software development and driver creation. - Experience with multi-platform compatibility. - Familiarity with cloud services, specifically Google ...

    €179 Average bid
    €179 Offerta media
    22 offerte
    Trophy icon Logo Design for Print & Branding
    6 giorni left

    creative graphic designer with a knack for crafting eye-catching designs and interested in anime? Seeking a skilled graphic designer with a passion for anime culture to join our team. In this role, you'll be tasked with crafting anime-inspired designs to elevate our brand aesthetic. While drawing skills are not mandatory, proficiency in researching and leveraging source material to create compelling graphics is highly preferred. If you're enthusiastic about anime and possess a knack for translating its essence into captivating visuals, we want to hear from you. Join us in bringing our creative vision to life through the dynamic world of anime-inspired design.

    €18 Average bid
    110 proposte

    I'm in need of a skilled designer who can create a custom-sized print menu for a car wrapping project. I have a template that includes logos, and the task involves modifying this template to serve as a print menu. Key Details: - The menu will be for a physical display. - The size of the menu is custom and not standard dimensions. - The designer will need to determine the height in inches for the custom size. Ideal skills for this project include graphic design, print design, and experience with creating display menus.

    €103 Average bid
    €103 Offerta media
    58 offerte

    I'm looking for a nursery print with a Jetti puff/clouds theme. It should be an abstract, design in soft pastels. Ideally, you have a strong portfolio with similar projects, and a deep understanding of abstract design and soft pastel color schemes.

    €67 Average bid
    €67 Offerta media
    37 offerte
    Trophy icon Sleek, modern logo for "Client Cue."
    29 giorni left

    Project Prompt for Freelance Designer: Logo Design for Client Cue Project Overview: We are looking for a skilled and creative freelance designer to create a professional and sleek logo for our service, "Client Cue." This is a premium software platform powered by our parent company, AVP.Live. The logo should reflect a hi...Cue" should be bold enough to stand out, while "Powered by " should be more subtle yet readable. 5. Elements to Avoid: Avoid overly playful or casual elements that do not align with a corporate brand. Steer clear of excessive embellishments or intricate graphics that might clutter the design. Deliverables: A high-resolution logo in various formats (SVG, PNG, JPEG) for both web and print use. A version of the logo with a transparent ...

    €91 Average bid
    893 proposte

    I'm looking for a professional to help format my book which is currently in a Word document. The final output should be suitable for both print and eBook versions. Key elements needing attention: - Page and chapter formatting Ideal candidates should have: - Extensive experience in book formatting for both print and eBook - Strong attention to detail - Ability to follow specific formatting guidelines

    €271 Average bid
    €271 Offerta media
    65 offerte

    ...should be on Spiderman, and my daughter’s head should be on ghost spider, both riding the unicorn - The backdrop should include birthday banners - Use of mixed vibrant colors is necessary, not just limited to the traditional Spiderman and unicorn palette Ideal Skills: - Strong graphic design skills, with a focus on creating cartoonish, kid-friendly designs - Experience with creating large scale, print-ready designs - Ability to incorporate specific elements and details as per client request Please share your past work that aligns with this project....

    €74 Average bid
    €74 Offerta media
    52 offerte
    Modern Shutterfly Book Design
    5 ore left

    I'm looking for an experienced graphic designer to help me create a modern-style...from those in attendance to use throughout the book. - Text inclusion: The book will also contain minimal text, which will need to be integrated into the design in a harmonious way. - Modern aesthetic: The design style should be clean and contemporary, in keeping with a modern aesthetic. Ideal skills and experience: - Graphic design: Strong background in graphic design, particularly book or print design. - Shutterfly experience: Familiarity with Shutterfly and its design tools would be a significant advantage. - Storytelling through design: Ability to use design to create a narrative and engage the viewer. - Attention to detail: Precision and care in the design process to ensure a high-quality...

    €353 Average bid
    €353 Offerta media
    67 offerte

    I need a professional graphic designer to create a vibrant and attractive two-sided A4 flyer for a physical product I'm promoting. The design should be bright and colorful, standing out to potential customers. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Print Design - Flyer Design - Adobe Creative Suite - Branding Key Requirements: - Experience with designing for physical consumer products - Understanding of marketing principles - Ability to create eye-catching, colorful designs - Excellent communication skills for understanding product details and target audience.

    €23 Average bid
    €23 Offerta media
    58 offerte

    I'm looking for a talented designer to create a sleek, modern, clean catalog showcasing our interior design work. This catalog will need to be suitable for both print and digital PDF formats. Key project details: - The catalog will have less than 10 pages. - The design style is modern and clean, reflecting our design ethos. Ideal candidates should have: - Prior experience in catalog design, particularly for the interior design industry. - A strong portfolio demonstrating modern, clean design aesthetics. - Proficiency in preparing designs for both print and digital formats.

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Offerta media
    55 offerte

    ...original parts 2. Photos of intended end design (for inspiration - there is a reasonable level of creative freedom) Examples of "input" and "output" can be seen here: "Input" (original bumper design): "Output" (your bumper design): I will need: 1. Print ready files (which means the parts may have to be cut into sections - this must be done so it is "invisible" and there must be connectors between the parts, allowing for a strong and seamless connection) Will likely need an iteration or two to nail the design. Key requirements: - Expertise in using Blender for 3D design - Ability to design fully functional mechanisms - Experience in prototype

    €437 Average bid
    €437 Offerta media
    46 offerte

    I'm seeking a developer to create a Windows-based application tailored to print invoices from a text file. The invoices only contain text and need to be printed on a specific, custom-sized format. Key Requirements: - Development of a user-friendly Windows application - Capability to read and print invoice data from a text file - Custom size printing capability - Focus on printing text and a QR code only Ideal Skills: - Proficiency in Windows application development - Experience with handling text files in software - Knowledge in creating custom size printing software - Strong understanding of text-only data handling This is a straightforward project for a competent developer with relevant experience. Please provide examples of similar projects you've completed ...

    €91 Average bid
    €91 Offerta media
    17 offerte

    I need a rustic-styled business card for my home-based sourdough bread business. The design should seamlessly blend modern aesthetics with rustic elements, reflecting the essence of my micro bakery. Key Design Elements: - Incorporate my business name and logo - Include comprehensive contact information - Add my social media handles ...of my micro bakery. Key Design Elements: - Incorporate my business name and logo - Include comprehensive contact information - Add my social media handles Color Scheme: The card's background should be #faebe0, with accents in #794343 and writing in #464646. This color palette should evoke warmth and approachability, characteristic of a home bakery. Ideal Skills: - Graphic Design - Branding - Print Design - Attention to Detail - Knowledge of Ru...

    €16 Average bid
    €16 Offerta media
    44 offerte

    I need a talented photo editor to combine two portrait shots into one cohesive image suitable for a print photo frame. The final product will be a gift, so it should be done with that in mind. I prefer a classic style for the merged image, so your understanding of this aesthetic will be key. The images should be clear. Ideal skills and experience for the job: - Expert in photo editing software (Photoshop, Lightroom) - Strong understanding of classic photography styles - Attention to detail to ensure a seamless merge - Ability to meet deadlines and work on a project with a specific purpose in mind.

    €12 Average bid
    €12 Offerta media
    15 offerte

    I migliori articoli di print della community