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    5,000 phonegap lavori trovati

    Ho bisogno di una persona esperta in cordova e phonegap in grado di risolvere in breve tempo alcuni piccoli minor bug di una app per ios. Elenco bug - Status bar e Nav bar di sistema che viene sovrascitta dal contenuto e di colore bianco su alcuni iphone. - Quando si clicchi su di un link viene aperta la pagina all'interno dell'app anzichè utilizzando safari o simili. -Piccolo problema grafico legato al css che si manifesta solo su iphone 10xs. Per rispondere a questo progetto rispondete a questa test: Quanto fa 5-2 A chi ne fa richiesta posso inviare screenshot in privato e altro.

    €472 Average bid
    €472 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    Più che un nuovo progetto , sto cercando qualcuno che abbia già sviluppato un semilavorato o prototipo avanzato da completare con le mie indicazioni, per gestire un sistema di mobile commerce, stile amazon, composto da una web app da compilare con phoneGapCordova ed una parte server, possibilmente in Java, per lo scambio dati. La app dovrà essere pubblicabile negli store apple e Google. Ho poco tempo. Per cortesia, contattatemi solo se avete qualcosa che si avvicina a quanto richiesto. Chiederò di visionare un prototipo. resto a disposizione per eventuali chiarimenti. grazie Saluti Roberto

    €2135 Average bid
    €2135 Offerta media
    32 offerte

    Le attività evolutive si riferiscono all'app Telepass Fleet, realizzata con tecnologia PhoneGap Ionic1 ed attualmente declinata su IOS, ANDROID e WEBAPP in ambiente visual Le funzionalità da sviluppare nei prossimi 3 mesi sono le seguenti: - Funzionalità gestore lavaggi: - Fuznionalità servizio taxi - Funzionalità servizio Parcheggi (maggiori dettagli nell'allegato) Il timing di queste evolutive ha deadline 30 luglio, con rilasci scaglionati a seconda del progetto. L'esigenza aziendale è anche quella di effettuare il porting dell'applicazione a ionic 4. Da definire rispetto al timing dei suddetti progetti se tale upgrade sarà pre o post (quindi su ionic1 o ionic4) Se la collaborazione sarà proficua l&#...

    €9935 Average bid
    €9935 Offerta media
    32 offerte

    Buongiorno, Ricerchiamo due sviluppatori per entrare nella nostra azienda come programmatori con possibilità di contratto a tempo indeterminato. Siamo un'azienda svizzera e cerchiamo persone in grado di sviluppatore in PHP ad alto livello in Italia. Abbiamo un progetto da far partire in Yii2 framework con integrazione PhoneGap per l'applicazione mobile, quindi se avete esperienza in PHP/Yii2 framework oppure PhoneGap, potete lasciare la vostra offerta qui. Per parlare di più, contattatemi. Solo persone che vivono in Italia possono scrivere e inizia la lettera con "BUONDI".

    €999 Average bid
    €999 Offerta media
    12 offerte

    Stiamo cercando sviluppatore IOS, ANDROIDE o anche che sappia utilizzare cordova o PhoneGap. Valuteremo insieme cosa sia meglio. Il progetto si chiama Wadago, è una piattaforma sportiva con il sito già online. L'intera grafica è stata già realizzata. Contattatemi per maggior info

    €2042 Average bid
    €2042 Offerta media
    40 offerte

    buongiorno. avrei bisogno di una app che io possa mettere dei file htm5, JavaScript come phonegap perche questa app sarà creata in varie versione avrei bisogno di tutto il progetto per android studio, dopo che la app installata su smartphone o tablet lei si avvia automaticamente ogni 40 minuti e dopo 3 minuti si chiude in background senza che il utente sia disturbato che si è aperta e dopo ai chiude.

    €119 Average bid
    €119 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    Il progetto prevede la personalizzazione di un'app già esistente sviluppata in Phonegap.

    €48 Average bid
    €48 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    Siamo un'azienda basata in Alto Adige e offriamo collaborazione a lungo termine dedicato allo sviluppo di web apps - leader del settore mobili/arredamento in Germania/Austria/Svizzera. Il framework attuale di Apache Cordova (PhoneGap) è compilato per Web e i sistemi operativi Android, iOS e Windows. Sono indispensabili ottime conoscenze/esperzienze in Javascript. Se è disposto ad un tasferimento limitato in Alto Adige è invitato a candidarsi. Offriamo impiego ben pagato e – come menzionato - a lungo termine. È previsto uno stage di introduzione con il nostro sviluppatore principale (socio e titolare) di 3 settimane. Possiamo instaurare così il basamento sociale nella nostra società. Successivamente potrà seguire le Sua at...

    €420 Average bid
    €420 Offerta media
    3 offerte

    DE: Wir sind ein Unternehmen mit Sitz in Südtirol und benötigen hier eine längerfristige Zusammenarbeit bei der Weiterentwicklung einer Web-App. Diese wurde auf dem Framework von Apache Cordova (phonegap) entwickelt und für Web, Android, iOS und WIndows kompiliert. Wenn sie sehr gute Kentnisse in Javascript haben und selbst mobil sind können sie sich hier bewerben. Wir bieten eine gut bezahlte längerfristige Beschäftigung in einem Team. Sie müssten sich in unsererm Unternehmenssitz hier ca. 3 Wochen einschulen und könnten anschliessend auch von zuhause aus das Projekt weiter begleiten. Sie müssten laut gemeinsam erstellten Arbeitsplan mindestens 3 Tage pro Woche dafür reservieren und per skype erreichbar sein. Bewerben sie ...

    €28 / hr Average bid
    €28 / hr Offerta media
    7 offerte
    Project for studious
    Terminato left

    Ciao studious, Siamo un'azienda basata in Alto Adige e offriamo collaborazione a lungo termine dedicato allo sviluppo di web apps - leader del settore mobili/arredamento in Germania/Austria/Svizzera. Il framework attuale di Apache Cordova (PhoneGap) è compilato per Web e i sistemi operativi Android, iOS e Windows. Sono indispensabili ottime conoscenze/esperzienze in Javascript. Se è disposto ad un tasferimento limitato in Alto Adige è invitato a candidarsi. Offriamo impiego ben pagato e – come menzionato - a lungo termine. È previsto uno stage di introduzione con il nostro sviluppatore principale (socio e titolare) di 3 settimane. Possiamo instaurare così il basamento sociale nella nostra società. Successivamente potrà se...

    €357 Average bid
    €357 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    Siamo un'azienda basata in Alto Adige e offriamo collaborazione a lungo termine dedicato allo sviluppo di web apps - leader del settore mobili/arredamento in Germania/Austria/Svizzera. Il framework attuale di Apache Cordova (PhoneGap) è compilato per Web e i sistemi operativi Android, iOS e Windows. Sono indispensabili ottime conoscenze/esperzienze in Javascript. Se è disposto ad un tasferimento limitato in Alto Adige è invitato a candidarsi. Offriamo impiego ben pagato e – come menzionato - a lungo termine. È previsto uno stage di introduzione con il nostro sviluppatore principale (socio e titolare) di 3 settimane. Possiamo instaurare così il basamento sociale nella nostra società. Successivamente potrà seguire le Sua at...

    €357 - €357
    €357 - €357
    0 offerte

    DE: Wir sind ein Unternehmen mit Sitz in Südtirol und benötigen hier eine längerfristige Zusammenarbeit bei der Weiterentwicklung einer Web-App. Diese wurde auf dem Framework von Apache Cordova (phonegap) entwickelt und für Web, Android, iOS und WIndows kompiliert. Wenn sie sehr gute Kentnisse in Javascript haben und selbst mobil sind können sie sich hier bewerben. Wir bieten eine gut bezahlte längerfristige Beschäftigung in einem Team. Sie müssten sich in unsererm Unternehmenssitz hier ca. 3 Wochen einschulen und könnten anschliessend auch von zuhause aus das Projekt weiter begleiten. Sie müssten laut gemeinsam erstellten Arbeitsplan mindestens 3 Tage pro Woche dafür reservieren und per skype erreichbar sein. Bewerben sie ...

    €23 / hr Average bid
    €23 / hr Offerta media
    6 offerte

    ...per IOS in grado di interfacciarsi con essa. L'app dovrà essere in grado di far effettuare il login di un utente già registrato sulla piattaforma web, permettere di effettuare una nuova registrazione e leggere un qrcode. L'app dovrà fornire all'applicazione web il codice letto tramite qrcode e un codice identificativo dell'utente. Per la realizzazione dell'app dovrà essere utilizzato PhoneGap....

    €229 Average bid
    €229 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    Vorrei realizzare un applicazione in cui gli utenti possano condividere foto in base ad un argomento imposto dall'app, l'app prevederà una registrazione (nome, cognome, nazione, email, username, password), tutte formeranno delle classifiche mondiali e nazionali in base ai "LIKE" sulle foto stesse. L'applicazione deve essere molto semplice. Disponibile a valutare anche creazione app con tool tipo phonegap e simili per app universali. Si richiede consegna del codice sorgente.

    €2180 Average bid
    €2180 Offerta media
    11 offerte
    App Android ibrida
    Terminato left

    Ho la necessità urgente di terminare un'app scritta con html, phonegap e java. App cosa fa: prende una lista di oggetti con immagine da un database remoto; l'utilizzatore sceglie l'oggetto che nella schermata successiva si posiziona al lato destro dello schermo mentre la restante parte dello schermo ha la fotocamera live avviata. L'oggetto dovrà essere draggabile sul live della fotocamera. La parte mancante dell'app: prendere un ID di un'immagine da database scelta; nella schermata successuva fermare il drag al rilascio sul live della fotocamera. Possibilmente professionisti in Puglia.

    €158 Average bid
    €158 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    Applicazione per dispositivi di piattaforme diverse (iOS, android, windows phone, ecc.) che permette la registrazione degli utenti per l'abilitazione di funzioni speciali. L'applicazione dovrà interagire con un web service per l'estrazione dei dati online.

    €1050 Average bid
    €1050 Offerta media
    7 offerte
    find in project
    Terminato left

    Objective: Create an application for smartphones (primarily Android and ios) through design html5 that it provides full conversion app using PhoneGap. Application Type: Travel guide with advertisers. Features and Functions: The application has a facility to operate completely off line and includes three essential functions inside. 1) Button changes the page 2) Button phone call 3) Button translate text The project html5 must be easily readable and editable with copy and paste and replacement of phone numbers and images (including banner ads). For a better understanding of the project will be provided to the designer layout explanatory and an apk file reference with records of changes to be made. The detailed layout is neat and accurate division of folders, allow a...

    €396 Average bid
    €396 Offerta media
    4 offerte

    HO sviluppato un app con Jquery mobile, ma non sono soddisfatto del lavoro eseguito. Cerco programmatore sencha o coronaSDK in grado di convertire il lavoro in una risultato piu veloce, performante e stabile.

    €235 Average bid
    €235 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    ...bootstrap o topcoat - inglese Il lavoro si svolgerà sia da remoto che nei nostri uffici vicini al centro di Bergamo. E' quindi indispensabile la residenza nella provincia di Bergamo, senza nessuna eccezione. Si richiede inoltre che il candidato abbia dimestichezza con sistemi linux o mac in quanto per lavorare su alcuni dei nostri progetti sarà necessario installare dei programmi (django, phonegap) che funzionano meglio su quei sistemi operativi. Grazie per l'attenzione....

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Offerta media
    14 offerte
    Terminato left

    Ciao Alex, forse ci conosciamo ? cerco un programmatore per programmi iphone android, eventualmente anche fatti con titanium o phonegap nel caso siano semplici , il primo è un twitter client che peró passa prima da un webservice nostro. ti puo interessare?

    €38 / hr Average bid
    €38 / hr Offerta media
    1 offerte
    Sviluppo App
    Terminato left

    Ciao Ragazzi, la nostra agenzia si occupa di sviluppo web/app. Sempre più spesso ci capita di dover sviluppare soluzioni per app mobile cross platform e nei periodi di piena, vorremo poter collaborare con freelance di fiducia. In questo momento diamo priorità a chi utilizza strumenti come titanium ma anche phonegap per certi progetti può andar bene. Chi fosse interessato a collaborare può mandare cv a Grazie. Preferiamo per comodità, avere a che fare con persone che possimao incontrare, la zona è Milano.

    €93 Average bid
    €93 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    We are looking for a skilled Cordova - Angular app developer to update and maintain our existing PhoneGap app by migrating it to the latest versions of Cordova and Angular. This app is an inspection tool that communicates with our backend API and database to verify information. The app has been functional in the past, but updates and improvements are now required. Key Responsibilities: Migrate PhoneGap App: Update our current app from PhoneGap to the latest versions of Cordova and Angular, ensuring all functionalities are preserved and improved where necessary. Integration with Backend: Ensure seamless communication between the app and our existing backend API. Code Documentation: Provide thorough and detailed documentation of the code, following best practices fo...

    €50 / hr Average bid
    €50 / hr Offerta media
    47 offerte

    I'm looking for a PhoneGap plugin that will work on both Android and iOS to handle WebSocket connections and manage the receipt of notifications. We need a PhoneGap/Cordova plugin for both Android and iOS platforms that enables our mobile application to connect to a WebSocket server and handle notifications efficiently. The plugin must support the following functionalities: Key Features: 1. WebSocket Connection: - Establish a connection to a specified WebSocket server. - Maintain the connection and handle reconnections as necessary. 2. Receive Notifications: - Listen for incoming messages/notifications from the WebSocket server. - Process the incoming messages and trigger a push notification on the device. 3. Push Notifications: - Display push notifi...

    €463 Average bid
    €463 Offerta media
    15 offerte

    ...or technical applications. • Proficiency in a wide range of distributed and cloud technologies, with expertise in integrating and configuring them, such as Cloud, Containerization, Microservices, Kafka, Java/JavaScript, Quarkus/Spring, XML/JSON, Apigee/Mulesoft, ESB/Datapower, distributed databases like Postgres/Yugabyte, HTML5, CSS3, MVC, Angular JS, React, Mobile and Application Middleware, PhoneGap/iOS/Android SDKs, CI/CD, etc. • Strong understanding of mobile and web application security concepts, session management, performance optimization, automated testing techniques, high availability engineering, and database technologies for mobile and web applications. • Familiarity with cryptography, key management, and security solutions on both mobile and server s...

    €147 Average bid
    €147 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    ...SOURCE CODE THESE WERE DONE BY A DEVELOPER LONG AGO USING PHONEGAP THEY ARE WEBVIEW APPS WHICH GO TO A URL WHEN LAUNCHED SO PLEASE DONT GIVE ME A HEADACHE ASKING FOR SOURCE CODE OR EVERY OTHER THING YOU BASICALLY GONNA HAVE TO MAKE ME NEW WEBVIEW APPS Violation App must target Android 12 (API level 31) or higher Details To provide users with a safe and secure experience, Google Play requires all apps to meet target API level requirements. From 31 Aug 2023, if your target API level is not within two years of the latest Android release, your app will not be available to new users running Android versions higher than your app's target API level. PLEASE NOTE I DONT HAVE ANY SOURCE CODE THESE WERE DONE BY A DEVELOPER LONG AGO USING PHONEGAP THEY ARE WEBVIEW APPS WHIC...

    €121 Average bid
    €121 Offerta media
    25 offerte

    ...SOURCE CODE THESE WERE DONE BY A DEVELOPER LONG AGO USING PHONEGAP THEY ARE WEBVIEW APPS WHICH GO TO A URL WHEN LAUNCHED SO PLEASE DONT GIVE ME A HEADACHE ASKING FOR SOURCE CODE OR EVERY OTHER THING YOU BASICALLY GONNA HAVE TO MAKE ME NEW WEBVIEW APPS Violation App must target Android 12 (API level 31) or higher Details To provide users with a safe and secure experience, Google Play requires all apps to meet target API level requirements. From 31 Aug 2023, if your target API level is not within two years of the latest Android release, your app will not be available to new users running Android versions higher than your app's target API level. PLEASE NOTE I DONT HAVE ANY SOURCE CODE THESE WERE DONE BY A DEVELOPER LONG AGO USING PHONEGAP THEY ARE WEBVIEW APPS WHIC...

    €146 Average bid
    €146 Offerta media
    26 offerte

    ...SOURCE CODE THESE WERE DONE BY A DEVELOPER LONG AGO USING PHONEGAP THEY ARE WEBVIEW APPS WHICH GO TO A URL WHEN LAUNCHED SO PLEASE DONT GIVE ME A HEADACHE ASKING FOR SOURCE CODE OR EVERY OTHER THING YOU BASICALLY GONNA HAVE TO MAKE ME NEW WEBVIEW APPS Violation App must target Android 12 (API level 31) or higher Details To provide users with a safe and secure experience, Google Play requires all apps to meet target API level requirements. From 31 Aug 2023, if your target API level is not within two years of the latest Android release, your app will not be available to new users running Android versions higher than your app's target API level. PLEASE NOTE I DONT HAVE ANY SOURCE CODE THESE WERE DONE BY A DEVELOPER LONG AGO USING PHONEGAP THEY ARE WEBVIEW APPS WHIC...

    €114 Average bid
    €114 Offerta media
    22 offerte

    I am looking for a developer to convert my cross-platform PhoneGap app to Ionic. The ideal candidate should have experience in both PhoneGap and Ionic development. Requirements: - Convert the existing PhoneGap app to Ionic - Ensure the app functions properly on both iOS and Android devices - Maintain the current features and functionalities of the app without any additions - Complete the project within a week Skills and experience required: - Proficiency in PhoneGap and Ionic development - Strong knowledge of cross-platform app development - Familiarity with iOS and Android platforms - Ability to work within tight deadlines and deliver high-quality results.

    €558 Average bid
    €558 Offerta media
    55 offerte
    Cordova developer
    Terminato left

    I am looking for a Cordova/PhoneGap developer to setup and build an existing iOS app for me. We have to setup the existing Cordova project and we have to take the build which can be uploaded to TestFlight, so I'm looking for someone who is dedicated and reliable, and can get the job done quickly.

    €54 Average bid
    €54 Offerta media
    5 offerte

    ...Plugin" cordova-plugin-network-information 3.0.0 "Network Information" cordova-plugin-printer 0.8.0 "Printer" cordova-plugin-purchase 13.8.6 "Purchase" cordova-plugin-safariviewcontroller 2.0.0 "SafariViewController" cordova-plugin-statusbar 3.0.0 "StatusBar" cordova-plugin-theme-detection 1.3.0 "ThemeDetection" cordova-plugin-x-socialsharing 6.0.4 "SocialSharing" es6-promise-plugin 4.2.2 "Promise" phonegap-plugin-mobile-accessibility 1.0.5-dev "Mobile Accessibility" skwas-cordova-plugin-datetimepicker 2.1.2 "DateTime picker" iOS: cordova-launch-review 4.0.1 "Launch Review" cordova-plugin-add-swift-support 2.0.2 "AddSwiftSupport" cordova-plugin-badge 0.8.9...

    €7325 Average bid
    €7325 Offerta media
    32 offerte

    Requiere un profesional Señor en Córdoba, acceso inmediato hoy mismo y trabajos específicos por horas. 1 mes 1 a 3 hora dia

    €228 - €685
    €228 - €685
    13 offerte
    PhoneGap developer
    Terminato left

    Title: Experienced PhoneGap Developer Needed for Cross-Platform App Development Overview: I am looking for a skilled PhoneGap developer who can create a cross-platform app that will run on both iOS and Android devices. The app will also require a web version that can be accessed and used on computers. Requirements: - Proficiency in PhoneGap development, with a strong understanding of iOS and Android platforms - Experience in building cross-platform apps that are compatible with both iOS and Android - Ability to develop a web version of the app that works seamlessly on computers - Strong knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript - Familiarity with integrating APIs and managing data storage - Attention to detail in implementing designs and maintaining app funct...

    €554 Average bid
    €554 Offerta media
    35 offerte

    I am looking for a PhoneGap App developer who can fix issues in a mobile application that is compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Requirements: - Experience with PhoneGap framework - Proficiency in iOS and Android development - Ability to integrate design elements provided by the client - Knowledge of app store submission process The ideal candidate should have experience in developing cross-platform apps using PhoneGap and be able to work with the client's own design elements. They should also be familiar with the app store submission process to ensure a smooth launch.

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Offerta media
    15 offerte

    ...looking for a developer to migrate a very simple app from PhoneGap Build to Ionic Appflow. The ideal candidate should have experience with both PhoneGap Build and Ionic Appflow. The app basically does the following, and I will provide the source code which worked on the latest phonegab build. 1. shows loader 2. check for internet connection to a specific website. 3. if there is no connection - show "retry" button 4. if there is a connection - subscribe for push notifications, "redirect the whole application" to the given website, so the customer sees the the same website as he would with regular mobile browser. 5. listen for push notifications - and when received, just open the URL in it. Scope of Work: - Migrate the app from PhoneGap Build...

    €178 Average bid
    €178 Offerta media
    28 offerte

    I am looking for a PhoneGap App developer who can fix issues in a mobile application that is compatible with both iOS and Android platforms. Requirements: - Experience with PhoneGap framework - Proficiency in iOS and Android development - Ability to integrate design elements provided by the client - Knowledge of app store submission process The ideal candidate should have experience in developing cross-platform apps using PhoneGap and be able to work with the client's own design elements. They should also be familiar with the app store submission process to ensure a smooth launch.

    €137 Average bid
    €137 Offerta media
    13 offerte

    I am in need of a mobile application developer in phonegap language who can develop an application for both iOS and Android platforms within a timeline of 2-4 weeks. The project does not require a graphical designer. Skills and experience required: - Proficiency in phonegap language - Experience in developing mobile applications for both iOS and Android platforms - Ability to work within a tight timeline

    €224 Average bid
    €224 Offerta media
    33 offerte

    I am looking for a skilled developer who can assist me with resolving an issue I am facing with the phonegap-launch-navigator plugin in my Cordova iOS app . We are using cordova inapp browser plugin for web view and mobile app all functionality working in web view .Web app made with vue.js We are facing issue Launch Navigator Cordova/Phonegap Plugin it working fine with android mobile but creating issue in ios mobile below erorr showing in xcode console Error Is below {Plugin should use a background thread. Cannot be called with asCopy = NO on non-main thread} Requirements: - Experience with Cordova and iOS app development - Proficiency in working with the phonegap-launch-navigator plugin - Knowledge of the supported platform list of the plugin - Ability to t...

    €11 / hr Average bid
    €11 / hr Offerta media
    10 offerte

    We’re looking for a PhoneGap expert. The main goal is to publish web apps (the system is already developed) on Android and iOS using PhoneGap or Apache Cordova. We only require the compiling and publishing of apps in said stores. Only its compilation and publication on the respective Stores is required. Tasks included in the proposal: -Barcode Scanning SDK -Push Notifications -Ad Network Integration -Touch ID / Face ID Authentication -In-App Purchases -App Store Publishing -3 extra revisions -Must be up-to-date and familiarized with the latest tendencies in the mobile app development field, iFrames, web view, Firebase. -Must have experience in User Interface Design. Availability required: Project-based. For specific projects, as needed.

    €31 / hr Average bid
    €31 / hr Offerta media
    39 offerte

    We have a working hybrid app setup (ionic 2.3) and have recently uploaded the updated app to Google play store. Now we need the app to be uploaded to apple app store as well. Before this can uploaded we need the developer to use tools like snyk to upgrade compatible packages, libraries and do test to make sure the app and the code is working well without errors. When everything is working, the developer should submit fresh, corrected apps to Google Play and Apple App store.

    €95 Average bid
    €95 Offerta media
    5 offerte

    I have this Application build on laravel & on front end. I want to change its UI of Frontend to make it looks like an Eye Catching feeling with Good Freshy Interface. It can be something Like this app The Original Source is here: of Frontend to make it looks like an Eye Catching feeling with Good Freshy Interface. It can be something Like this app The Original Source is here: Or there is one more app that is built on Cordova & that looks like a fresh App.

    €757 Average bid
    €757 Offerta media
    65 offerte

    I have a fully functional iOS/Android app word game. It’s made in PhoneGap. Includes a piece of software which allows me create puzzles & save to database & post on Twitter. I would like the app to be web based, so it will need coveting from PhoneGap& & put online & monetising. Search app stores for ketsudo or see for links

    €827 Average bid
    €827 Offerta media
    13 offerte

    ...not afraid to dive into existing code * You are autonomous but not afraid to ask questions * You know how to test software on different levels * You are an independent self-starter who loves to solve problems * You are available full-time during the training period, and later part-time Technologies The app you will start working on is made using web technologies: HTML5/JavaScript with Cordova/Phonegap, Backbone.js, RequireJS, Gulp, Sass, Jasmine, Nightwatch, etc., Server-side: some Python, Bash scripts, and several REST APIs with PostgreSQL hosted on Heroku and AWS. We have continuous integration with Jenkins with some testing (unit and e2e). Your responsibilities At the beginning, you will mainly work to maintain one of our existing apps, which teaches language via flashca...

    €32 / hr Average bid
    €32 / hr Offerta media
    79 offerte

    -facebook auth -apple auth Integration with our database through php script

    €128 Average bid
    €128 Offerta media
    3 offerte
    Phonegap Mobile App
    Terminato left

    I am looking for a Phonegap developer for a existing project. The work requires some changes in the mobile app and then test and deploy. On the mobile app - the application connects to a backend component, which in turn connects to a ERP system. The backend component and connectivity with the ERP is working fine. We just need help in completing the mobile app.

    €14 / hr Average bid
    €14 / hr Offerta media
    4 offerte
    Oracle POS X Store
    Terminato left

    Job description • Around 5 years of experience in Oracle X Store POS development, implementation and Integration with DB • Working experience on the following technologies applications will be must • Should have at least hands on experience on at least 2 POS development projects. 1 Upgrade project will be an ...environment would be an added advantage • Prior experience in managing POS software implementation would be preferred • Troubleshooting and Application Support Experience will be preferred • Working knowledge of Web Server Application Server like (JBoss, Weblogic Server, Tomcat , Websphere Apache, IIS) will be preferred • Working experience on the following technologies applications will be preferred o Phonegap HTML CSS java script without S...

    €35 / hr Average bid
    €35 / hr Offerta media
    5 offerte

    ...Housework, Instagram, Instagram Ads, Internet Research, Interpreter, Interviewing, Investigation, Investment Research, iPhone, Keyword Research, Legal Assistance, Legal Research, Legal Translation, Live Survey, Local Job, Market Research, Medical Research, Medical Translation, Odd Jobs, OpenGL, Operations Research, Passive Site Survey, Patent Infringement Research, Performing Arts, Phone Support, PhoneGap, Photo Anywhere, Photography, Physical Site Survey, Pinterest, Predictive Site Survey, Presentations, Product Research, Qualitative Research, Qualtrics Survey Platform, Research, Research and Development, Research Drone Footages, Research Writing, Reseller, RF Manual Site Survey, RF Site Survey, Russian, Scientific Research, Secretarial, Shopping Carts, Smart Phone/Tablet Apps, ...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Offerta media
    4 offerte

    ...payments will be made to the respective freelancer. I want to work with you for long term so please understand that this will be a job in which you will have to support me with different IT tasks and cooperate with me till the requirements are 100% fulfilled. (Mobile Application Development, Game Development, Desktop Development, Web Development) Mobile: Mobile App Development, Android, iPhone PhoneGap, lonic Framework, Xamarin, react native, flutter, ionic. DESKTOP: Java, Python, C# Programming, C Programming, Socket 10, Linux, C++ Programming, Qt++,CUDA,VB, Blockchain. Web: Core: PHP, HTML, CSS, WordPress, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Angular, node.js, Ruby on Rails, React.js, ASP.NET, React Native, ExpressJS, AJAX, MVC, VB.NET, JSON, Vue.js, RESTful API Blockchain: Metaverse, We...

    €18 / hr Average bid
    €18 / hr Offerta media
    78 offerte

    ...payments will be made to the respective freelancer. I want to work with you for long term so please understand that this will be a job in which you will have to support me with different IT tasks and cooperate with me till the requirements are 100% fulfilled. ( Mobile Application Development, Game Development, Desktop Development, Web Development ) Mobile: Mobile App Development, Android, iPhone PhoneGap, Ionic Framework, Xamarin, react native, flutter, ionic. DESKTOP: Java, Python, C# Programming, C Programming, Socket IO, Linux, C++ Programming, Qt++,CUDA,VB, Blockchain. Web: Core: PHP, HTML, CSS, WordPress, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Angular, node.js, Ruby on Rails, React.js, ASP.NET, React Native, ExpressJS, AJAX, MVC, VB.NET, JSON, Vue.js, RESTful API Blockchain: Metaver...

    €49 Average bid
    €49 Offerta media
    53 offerte

    Buscamos freelancer que nos ayude a actualizar una aplicación que se hizo en Phonegap y no funciona en Android 11, la aplicación hace consultas e inserciones a una base de datos MySQL por medio de PHP y JSon, requerimos que se realice en Ionic, React o Monaca.

    €393 Average bid
    €393 Offerta media
    11 offerte

    I am looking for an expert in Mobile app development with mysql, firebase and sqlite skills

    €465 Average bid
    €465 Offerta media
    14 offerte

    I migliori articoli di phonegap della community