Array bitmap actionscriptlavori


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    2,000 array bitmap actionscript lavori trovati, prezzi in EUR

    Con questo progetto ho intenzione di aiutare chi si trova alle prime armi con il codice C++. Le mie conoscenze comprendono soprattutto la gestione di numeri, caratteri e frasi. Nello specifico mi posso occupare di queste competenze: -Array -Matrici -Funzioni -Cicli (for, while, do-while) -Debugging -Gestione di file .txt -E altro

    €24 (Avg Bid)
    €24 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    ..."thymeleaf"? non sto riuscendo ad utilizzare le pagine in JSP perchè diversamente la web application non parte e sono stato costretto ad usare "thymeleaf" per farla partire. -Passaggio dei dati in JSON dal BE Java alla pagina HTML nell'oggetto DATATABLE. Non so come mai l'oggetto datatable non interpreta correttamente il DATASET inviato dal BE JAVA, eppure l'ho passato sia come Stringa, sia come Array, sia come Json, sia come Mappa, ma nulla la tabella risulta sempre vuota. In alternativa se inserisco un paragrafo in pagina, senza utilizzare il datatable, i valori json li vedo. -Intercettare al click la cella cliccata nelle varie pagine del DATATABLE e passare il dato al backend per post elaborazione grazie...

    €34 (Avg Bid)
    €34 Offerta media
    7 offerte
    Script in Python Terminato left

    Buongiorno necessito di un script in Python che mi conti il numero dei pixel bianchi all'interno di una bitmap. In allegato invio due bitmap di riferimento

    €21 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €21 / hr Offerta media
    7 offerte
    Ammodernamento Logo Terminato left

    Salve Sara S., abbiamo già collaborato in passato, dovrei rifare un logo ed averlo in tutto i formati vettoriali e bitmap, l'intento è di rifarlo nuovo senza però snaturarlo. Qual'è la tua richiesta di costo ?

    €48 (Avg Bid)
    €48 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    logo in grafica vettoriale (.svg o simili) . Si tratta di RICOSTRUIRE in un formato vettoriale, un logo già esistente in formato bitmap, il piu possibile fedele all'originale

    €70 (Avg Bid)
    €70 Offerta media
    50 offerte

    Vorrei implementare uno script in grado di leggere un array di valori, produrre il risultato e scriverlo nella relativa cella. Ex: Tabella con due colonne di indirizzi, se per ogni riga la coppia è diversa da vuoto, calcolare la distanza in km con l'API di Maps tra i due indirizzi e scrivere il risultato in una cella.

    €93 (Avg Bid)
    €93 Offerta media
    6 offerte

    ...essere visualizzato in anteprima prima del pagamento. Ecco lo script utilizzato attualmente: <?php $path = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/meteocam/"; $dirs = scandir($path); $numdirs = count($dirs) - 2; rsort($dirs); $last = 0; $array_response = array(); if($numdirs > 0){ $array_response = findLast($dirs); } echo "<img src='".time()."'>"; function ppe($string){ echo "<pre>"; var_dump($string); echo "</pre>"; exit(); } function findLast($dirs){ $array_response = array(); foreach($dirs as $dir){ if($last > 0){ continue; } if($dir != "." && $dir != ".."){ $path = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"]."/meteocam/FI9800P_00626E...

    €63 (Avg Bid)
    €63 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    Dato un array contenente numeri interi si progetti un algoritmo di ordinamento che ordini i numeri dispari inserendoli nelle posizioni dispari dell’array e i numeri pari nelle posizioni pari dell’array. Se i numeri pari (o dispari) superano i numeri dispari (pari), tutti i numeri rimanenti vengono inseriti alla fine dell’array. Si descriva l’algoritmo in modo chiaro e sufficientemente dettagliato e se ne analizzi la complessità nel caso peggiore. Si simuli l’algoritmo passo passo sul seguente array (la prima riga indica la posizione): --> guardare l'immagine allegata. Possibilmente fornire uno pseudocodice in c++.

    €22 (Avg Bid)
    €22 Offerta media
    3 offerte

    ...o “busy” Dovrà essere seguito il seguente processo: 1. al lancio, eseguire la connessione al database) ed alla stampante fiscale/registratore di cassa; 2. avviare un loop infinito per eseguire un processo per volta, relativo ad una singola ricevuta fiscale; 3. esecuzione di una select (fornita da noi) per trovare la prima ricevuta fiscale da trattare; 4. allocare il risultato della query in un array; 5. eseguire un update di una colonna “lock” della riga trovata; 6. eseguire le funzioni per inviare alla periferica i dati relativi alla ricevuta fiscale; 7. attendere la risposta da parte della periferica; 8. in caso di periferica fuori servizio o occupata, eseguire un loop di tentativi per 10 secondi, poi eseguire l’update nella riga del docume...

    €175 (Avg Bid)
    €175 Offerta media
    6 offerte

    ho delle immagini che sono state create in un gioco negli anni 90. sto riscrivendo il gioco con delle logiche più moderne e avrei bisogno di un grafico che sia in grado di ridisegnare le sprite ad una risoluzione più alta.

    €18 (Avg Bid)
    €18 Offerta media
    4 offerte

    Salve a tutti, L'app che mi servirebbe è per fare uno scontrino non fiscale da allegare alle fatture. Come da classico scontrino non fiscale, vorrei la parte alta con il logo ( se vuoi ti fornisco l'immagine bitmap del logo, che è supportato dalla stampante e i dati come indirizzo e p.iva. descrizione con nome cliente, numero fattura, importo pagato e data. Includere un campo per registrare i clienti, in modo da selezionarli rapidamente. Campo fattura vuoto dove inserire il numero della fattura e campo importo vuoto dove inserire importo fattura. Possibilità di stampare duplice copia e conservare in memoria gli scontrini stampati. Inoltre fare tipo a fine giornata un conteggio degli importi degli scontrini emessi e fare una stampa ...

    €242 (Avg Bid)
    €242 Offerta media
    5 offerte

    L'obiettivo di questo progetto è trasformare un array PHP contenente una lista di fatture emesse in un file formato LEMCO compatibile con il sistema di importazione del software Zucchetti. In allegato puoi trovare la documenazione relativa al tracciato LEMCO. La struttura dell'array PHP "sorgente" verrà definita successivamente (partendo da un database MySQL si può strutturare a piacere).

    €180 (Avg Bid)
    €180 Offerta media
    14 offerte

    ..."Dtacquisto": "2016-11-03", // Formattato in YYYY-MM-DD "Numacquisto": "0017", "Mailacquirente": "indirizzo email acquirente", "Nome": "Luca", "Cognome": "Piccinini", "Prodotti": [ // Array di prodotti contenuti nell'ordine { "Nome" : "prodotto 1", "Codice" : "000001", // Codice del prodotto all'inter...

    €668 (Avg Bid)
    €668 Offerta media
    6 offerte

    Il progetto richiede la creazione di un SubVi (non protetto da password) che si occupi della compilazione di un array 2D (output) secondo un determinato algoritmo che va ricavato dall'immagine allegata al pannello del Vi (IMAGE DATA). Il file allegato riporta anche un esempio di come compilare l'array2D. Chiaramente, l'input sarà sempre diverso ogni volta, prima si dovrà capire l'algoritmo di generazione dei campi ID, PARENT, POSITION, LEVEL DEPTH, NLEFT e NRIGHT a seconda dell'array di input per poi compilare l'array2D di output. Aggiungere la possibilità di inserire un offeset sul valore del campo ID.

    €59 (Avg Bid)
    €59 Offerta media
    2 offerte

    ...richiede progetto per conversione di un array stringhe in relative categorie prestashop 1.6 Il SubVi da realizzare legge ogni singolo elemento dell'array di input e genera le relative categorie e sottocategorie su un sito basato su CMS prestashop v 1.6 La comunicazione deve avvenire obbligatoriamente tramite MySQL. Competenze Labview, MySql e Prestashop. - subVi modificabile e non protetto da password. - Si richiede verifica del sistema col file di esempio. - Host con CMS prestashop 1.6 già attivo e pronto , si rilasceranno credenziali di accesso una volta assegnato il progetto. --- ENG --- It requires the project to convert a string array in related categories prestashop 1.6 The subVI to achieve reads every single element of the ...

    €229 (Avg Bid)
    €229 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    salve vorrei programmare un videogame in actionscript 2.0 utilizzando elementi grafici 2d in adobe flash per poi convertirlo sia per ios che per android, vorrei farmi un'idea dei costi. grazie in anticipo.

    €234 - €703
    €234 - €703
    0 offerte

    Abbiamo la necessità di trovare un programmatore ActionScript 3 e precedenti di Flash per aggiornare il codice già scritto (disponibile). Nel DVD che sarà l'output finale (eseguibile creato con Flash) si fanno vedere contenuti multimediali come video 3D, si gestiscono animazioni in Flash e speakeraggio, oltre che sottotitoli. Il codice sorgente è disponibile.

    €11 - €16 / hr
    €11 - €16 / hr
    0 offerte
    Php to LEMCO Terminato left

    Servirebbe una o più classi per la trasformazione di Fatture, strutturate in Array Php, in formato LEMCO di Zucchetti.

    €37 (Avg Bid)
    €37 Offerta media
    1 offerte

    ...alle eventuali conferme richieste dal browser). Il software dovrà permettere all'utente di riascoltare la registrazione e eventualmente di ricominciare e riprovare se non soddisfatto del risultato. Si dovrà quindi inserire un pulsante che invii l'audio registrato ad un webservice in HTTP POST (o PUT). Ci si può avvalere di Jquery 1.x o 2.x. Se necessario si può integrare l'algoritmo con Flash actionscript. Caratteristica indispensabile, la compatibilità crossbrowser (IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari) e crosspiattaforma (Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android). Il software sarà integrato in un sito web già online dal committente, pertanto non si richiede l'integrazione. ENGLISH: We request a software (Javascript+HTML5+CSS...

    €710 (Avg Bid)
    €710 Offerta media
    5 offerte

    Si richiede lo sviluppo di un software Javascript+HTML5+CSS che consenta la registrazione di un audio dal microfono principale di...alle eventuali conferme richieste dal browser). Il software dovrà permettere all'utente di riascoltare la registrazione e eventualmente di ricominciare e riprovare se non soddisfatto del risultato. Si dovrà quindi inserire un pulsante che invii l'audio registrato ad un webservice in HTTP POST (o PUT). Ci si può avvalere di Jquery 1.x o 2.x. Se necessario si può integrare l'algoritmo con Flash actionscript. Caratteristica indispensabile, la compatibilità crossbrowser (IE, Chrome, Firefox, Safari) e crosspiattaforma (Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android). Il software sarà integrato in un sito web gi&agrav...

    €676 (Avg Bid)
    €676 Offerta media
    5 offerte

    Angular Partitioning, DFT, Array

    €103 (Avg Bid)
    €103 Offerta media
    6 offerte

    Da una tabella in cui sono salvati gli orari prenotati, dovrei visualizzare gli orari disponibili in base ai servizi che possono avere durate multiple di 30 minuti. Escludendo l' array degli orari di chiusura del negozio. Mi servono solo le funzioni !

    €18 - €18
    €18 - €18
    0 offerte

    ...parser testuale. La funzione deve ricevere come parametro del testo all'interno del quale possono essere presenti 1 o più tag come questi [list_items_category="simple,16"] oppure [list_brand=""]. Questi tag dovrebbero essere convertiti in funzioni dinamiche, dove ad esempio "list_items_category" è il nome della funzione e "simple,16" i parametri della funzione a loro volta trasformati in un unico array. Ottenuta la funzione dinamica, questa dovrebbe essere sostituita al tag relativo, così da ottenere un testo all'interno del quale ci sono tutte le tag convertite in testo leggilibe. Ad esempio iniziale Donec sodales nulla nterdum. Curabitur [list_items_category="simple,16"] vitae cursus metus,...

    €136 (Avg Bid)
    €136 Offerta media
    7 offerte
    classifica utenti Terminato left

    ho bisogno di qualcuno che mi possa creare una classe che in tutta sicurezza possa accedere al database mysql del mio sito per prelevare il punteggio degli utenti. in entrata questa classe dovrà usare un metodo dove si dovrà passare un array con l'elenco degli utenti di cui si vuole conoscere il punteggio. sarebbe anche interessante magari che la classe possa già sommare e ordinare già la classifica degli utenti. oltre a questo, la classe dovrà anche avere un metodo per visualizzare l'iframe con il mio sito, tipo "codice da incorporare". attendo parteciapazioni. saluti.

    €51 (Avg Bid)
    €51 Offerta media
    6 offerte

    As a business focused on making data-driven decisions, I am seeking an expert to create a data analytics tool from scratch using ReactJS and AWS. The tool will analyze an array of data sources and present the results using insightful visualization techniques. Here are the requirements: - Implement Amazon Cognito for user authentication and authorization - Utilize AWS Amplify for the app's development and deployment - Integrate AWS API Gateway for efficient data exchange - Integrate Stripe for payments. Need complete flow Our tech stack looks like: - Amazon Amplify for app backend, and front end - Gatsby JS coupled with AppSync for front end - Amplify UI and MUI Material for UI components Features that I need: - End to end user journey - from login/registration to offering p...

    €94 (Avg Bid)
    €94 Offerta media
    4 offerte

    I'm seeking a seasoned C++ programmer who can design an array-based heap effectively. The purpose of this project is to handle both max heap and min heap. Here are my specifications: - Implementation of the max heap and min heap within the same array-based heap structure. - The software should be able to execute both Insertion and Deletion operations. - It should facilitate Heapify operation, enabling the optimization of the heap structure. If you possess extensive knowledge and experience in heap data structures and can proficiently utilize this in C++, you are the right fit for this task.

    €118 (Avg Bid)
    €118 Offerta media
    24 offerte

    ...already ran this contest on this platform, chose a winner but was deceived by the quality of files provided. They were absolutely useless. I've had success finding great designers in in the past and for that reason only, I'm running the same contest again. Please prove I'm not wrong in trusting this platform. Only vector images will be accepted to award prize. Refrain from delivering bitmap images, JPEG, GIF, PNG, we don't want them, we don't need them. Only vector format files generated with CorelDraw or Illustrator will be accepted. This is what we need designed. T-shirt design for our annual Outing event. Design will be printed on black t-shirts. Design must include the words "Outing Puebla 2024", feel free to adapt the order and position...

    €33 (Avg Bid)
    71 proposte

    Here's what I need in a potential candidate for the job: - Experience in data entry involving Text, Numbers, and Images. Adeptness in managing a wide array of data types is crucial for this project. - Proficiency in Excel. This project requires all data to be entered into a specific Excel template that I will provide. - Detail-oriented skills and accuracy are essential. The data entered should be free of errors and align with the format that I will provide. Please ensure your bid reflects your experience and capabilities in these areas. Looking forward to a fruitful collaboration!

    €243 (Avg Bid)
    €243 Offerta media
    36 offerte

    I need a seasoned translator proficient in English and Chinese. The task involves translating an array of documents, including but not limited to legal, technical, commercial, and medical, etc. Key Skills Required: - Proficiency in English and Chinese languages - Experience in translating different types of documents. - Accuracy and attention to detail.

    €1070 (Avg Bid)
    €1070 Offerta media
    14 offerte

    I'm in need of a skilled developer to create a feature-r...editor. It should have the ability to edit text, crop images, and apply filter effects. Here are the key details: - Text Editing: Users should be able to input and customize text on the thumbnail. This includes selecting fonts, sizes, and colors. - Image Cropping: The editor should include a cropping tool, allowing users to resize and position their image for optimal display. - Filter Effects: An array of filter effects should be available for users to enhance their thumbnails. Ideal skills and experience for this job include: - Proficiency in web development, with a strong background in coding. - Previous experience in creating image editing tools or software. - Familiarity with YouTube's guidelines for thumbnai...

    €2 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €2 / hr Offerta media
    26 offerte
    Full-Stack ReactJS Developer 6 giorni left

    ...layers of the infrastructure. Therefore, a commitment to collaborative problem solving, sophisticated design, and quality product is important. Responsibilities Developing new user-facing features using React.js Building reusable components and front-end libraries for future use Translating designs and wireframes into high quality code Optimizing components for maximum performance across a vast array of web-capable devices and browsers Skills; Strong proficiency in JavaScript, including DOM manipulation and the JavaScript object model Thorough understanding of React.js and its core principles Experience with popular React.js workflows (such as Flux or Redux) Familiarity with newer specifications of EcmaScript Experience with data structure libraries (e.g., ) Knowledge of isomor...

    €115 (Avg Bid)
    €115 Offerta media
    50 offerte

    I am looking for a highly skilled developer to create an AI image generato...items. The aim is to provide unique designs for various clothing items including T-shirts, Hoodies, and sweaters. The AI should not be limited in its creativity and the generated designs should span multiple themes including Abstract, Cartoon characters, Nature patterns, and more. Key project requirements are: - The AI should generate images on T-shirts, Hoodies, and sweaters. - A vast array of style/theme options must be incorporated. - The image resolution must be high (300 dpi), formatted as PNG. Ideal candidates should have experience in AI programming, graphic design, and an understanding of clothing design. Poting your previous works related to AI image generation will be a plus in thi...

    €438 (Avg Bid)
    €438 Offerta media
    63 offerte

    ...fronts. So, I'm seeking an experienced JavaScript developer with broad expertise including but not limited to: - Debugging - Code optimization - Designing interactive web elements - Working with commonly used frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue.js - Creating dynamic web pages - Building web applications - Enhancing user interactions Your bid should reflect your ability to handle a wide array of tasks and complexities. As we move forward, I will provide more detailed information about the specific tasks at hand. Here is the task: I have a website (online store mock up) almost done (on my local computer). But few issues I still have with the Contact Us form (email validation. With the header container (the hamburger and logo image touch each other).   ...

    €21 (Avg Bid)
    €21 Offerta media
    24 offerte

    I am looking for an experienced Electronics Engineer, well-versed in using Altium Designer, for a series of projects that demand proficiency in a wide array of electronics, specifically focusing on Microcontroller integration, PCB layout and USB connectivity. Key Aspects: - PCB Layout design - Microcontroller implementation - USB Connectivity solutions Additional Requirements: - Expertise in Circuit design - Experience in selecting suitable electronic components - Signal analysis knowledge - Ability to conduct thorough testing procedures This project demands an adept understanding of electronic systems and circuitry meant for consumer electronics. Candidates with a solid track record in crafting and refining consumer electronic designs are strongly preferred. Your task will be...

    €32494 (Avg Bid)
    €32494 Offerta media
    34 offerte

    Currently, our Twitter hashtag doesn't seem to reach the heights one would expect despite the number of interactions. We believe that the issue lies in the type of interactions considered when determining trends. For this task, we are looking for a professional who can analyze these complexities associated with Twitter's algorithm and adjust it to take into account a wider array of interactions. Ideal skills for this project include: - Strong understanding of Twitter's trending algorithms - Knowledge of the social media landscape, particularly Twitter - Experience with algorithm development and adjustment The end objective is to have our hashtag consider fan posts, official events, and all other types of interactions when determining its trend status. This should, ...

    €4 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €4 / hr Offerta media
    10 offerte

    I'm looking for an expert in 3D animation to create a large number of realistic pro wrestling moves. The project involves: - Creating 500 different wrestling moves: I'm looking for a vast array of moves, so we can make the gameplay as dynamic and engaging as possible. - Realistic Animation Style: The animations should be grounded in reality, mirroring real wrestling moves as closely as possible. - No Sound Effects: The animations will be used in a game and sound effects will be added separately, so you don't need to include them in your deliverables. The ideal candidate will have experience in 3D animation, particularly in character animation and realistic movement. Experience in game animation is a plus. Please provide any relevant portfolio or examples of...

    €3093 (Avg Bid)
    €3093 Offerta media
    29 offerte

    As a client, I require the expertise of a Python programmer who's adept at scripting. The centerpiece of the project is to write an algorithm for stereo vision and pose estimation. Notably, OpenCV will be the preferred library for this task due to its robust array of features. ArUco markers are being used as objects for calibration. Requirements: - Experience in Python scripting - Ability to write an algorithm for stereo vision and pose estimation - Proficiency with OpenCV Your relevant portfolio that illustrates your competency in the above tasks will be highly appreciated.

    €189 (Avg Bid)
    €189 Offerta media
    28 offerte

    I am in search of a proficient virtual assistant who is adept at listing products on Wix and Shopify. Your primary task will be to assist with the listing of an array of clothing items on these platforms. Ideally, the candidate should possess: - In-depth understanding of Wix and Shopify platforms - Proficiency in product listing across multiple categories, preferably clothing - Excellent attention to detail to ensure accurate descriptions and optimal keyword use - Experience with product photography or digital photo editing is an advantage - download product images and editing to the theme and layout of our website - Come up with product names, product description that is SEO optimized - Work closely with founder to fix price and work on website Required: - A desktop, Laptop tha...

    €5 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €5 / hr Offerta media
    52 offerte

    I'm in need of a mobile designer proficient in creating vibrant, interactive designs for an entertainment-based project - a nightlife discovery platform. This app is aimed at simplifying and enhancing users' nightlife experiences. The user base will predominantly be Zen-z Key features include: - Event Listings: Ability to display and manage an array of upcoming events. - Venue Recommendations: Tailoring suggestions to user preferences. - User Reviews: Ensuring a transparent and interactive platform where users can share their experiences and feedback. We will be calling events as experiences which have details of both event and venue Ideal candidates should have prior experience in designing similar platforms and should be able to align their creativity with the app&r...

    €843 (Avg Bid)
    €843 Offerta media
    20 offerte

    The ideal candidate will possess a comprehensive grasp of the intricate regulations surrounding the legal rights of individuals implicated in drug-related DUI charges, coupled with expertise in specimen handling and upholding the chain of custody's integrity. To support the development of two content pieces, an array of evaluations and a significant volume of personal data will be furnished, necessitating strict adherence to medical documentation protocols. It is crucial to independently assess the evidence provided to mitigate potential biases from prior MRO reports and offer an additional expert viewpoint. Content Pieces: 1. Simplifying toxicology for a lay audience and the media. 2. Incorporating new information beyond the court-mandated disclosure for anticipated outcomes....

    €410 (Avg Bid)
    €410 Offerta media
    8 offerte

    We're in need of an experienced photo editor to refine pictures from our wildlife safaris - both local and international. The primary tasks include color correction and cropping/resizing. Here are the specifics of the project: - **Editing Requirements**: As a wildlife safari company, we collect a vast array of pictures from our adventures. Your role will be to ensure that the colors in these images are corrected to appear as natural as possible. Additionally, you'll be responsible for cropping and resizing images to enhance their overall visual appeal. - **Desired Look**: We're aiming for a 'natural and realistic' style for the edited photos. The goal is to maintain the authenticity of the captured moments while enhancing their visual quality. Experience i...

    €1066 (Avg Bid)
    €1066 Offerta media
    28 offerte

    I'm on the lookout for a professional garment designer with a knack for into appealing, contemporary styles - Ensuring that the garments are not only fashionable but also practical and comfortable - Developing detailed tech packs for production The garments should cater to a broad audience including men, women, children, and the elderly. An understanding of the diverse needs and preferences of these demographics is crucial. Prior experience in creating a wide array of styles, from casual to formal, vintage to modern, will be highly valued. A portfolio that showcases your versatility and ability to adapt to different aesthetics is a must. If you're a creative professional with a keen eye for detail and a passion for innovative garment design, I'm exci...

    €49 (Avg Bid)
    €49 Offerta media
    9 offerte

    Helllo. I am seeking a full-stack developer who can rendering 3d object with polypoints and animations like zoomin or zoomout with mouse control. This project involves leveraging React and to create an interactive 3D object rendering application, utilizing a polypoints array for precise geometric representation. By integrating Node.js for backend operations and employing React Three Fiber (R3F) for seamless integration of within the React ecosystem, the project aims to enhance front-end development capabilities, offering a dynamic and immersive user experience. Budget: $100, Deadline: 2 days Excited to see your applications!

    €129 (Avg Bid)
    €129 Offerta media
    40 offerte

    ...Web APIs used should require user authentication (oAuth). So your application should allow user to login and logout. The basic requirement is to use Facebook’s Login Button. But more marks will be awarded for using SDK (basic to intermediate) or implement your own oAuth (hard). • The main data for your application retrieved from Web API should be at least as complex as an array of objects. E.g. An array of likes, or array of photos. • Your code should be appropriately structured into MVC. A bundler, i.e. webpack, should be used to bundle all the modules together. • Templating (e.g. or JSX etc) should be used to handle the display of dynamic content (and structure your code). The following are intermediate to hard requirements. Some of these req...

    €85 (Avg Bid)
    €85 Offerta media
    25 offerte

    I need a talented graphic designer skilled in Canva to develop an array of marketing materials. These will including social media graphics, flyers, infographics as well as designs for banners and other signages. The designs will be primarily used on Facebook and Instagram. The main objective of these materials will be to promote a product or service while simultaneously building brand awareness. The ideal candidate should be creative, understand the nuances of designing for social media and print, and have a knack for visual storytelling. A portfolio showcasing similar past experiences will be highly appreciated.

    €53 (Avg Bid)
    €53 Offerta media
    94 offerte

    In search of a highly skilled Corel Draw editor to provide comprehensive modifications to an array of existing designs. Your primary tasks will involve: - Adjusting layers and details of our current CDR (CorelDRAW) files - Not simply making superficial tweaks, but real, valuable impact through detail-specific adjustments An ideal candidate would have previous experience editing and manipulating vector graphics, particularly in Corel Draw. Proficiency in handling text and typography within the software is a plus. This is not a job simply about making changes, but about understanding how each modification affects the bigger picture. Let's enhance these designs together! Requirements :- 1) We need convert all designs in 3 color a) White Color b) Black Color c) ...

    €41 (Avg Bid)
    €41 Offerta media
    3 offerte

    In search of a highly skilled Corel Draw editor to provide comprehensive modifications to an array of existing designs. Your primary tasks will involve: - Adjusting layers and details of our current CDR (CorelDRAW) files - Not simply making superficial tweaks, but real, valuable impact through detail-specific adjustments An ideal candidate would have previous experience editing and manipulating vector graphics, particularly in Corel Draw. Proficiency in handling text and typography within the software is a plus. This is not a job simply about making changes, but about understanding how each modification affects the bigger picture. Let's enhance these designs together! Requirements :- 1) We need convert all designs in 3 color a) White Color b) Black Color c) ...

    €10 (Avg Bid)
    €10 Offerta media
    5 offerte

    In this project, I am seeking a mid-level Frappe framework developer. You will be expected to handle an array of tasks including: - Customizing existing modules to optimize their performance and meet our unique business needs. - Constructing fresh modules to expand the functionality and efficiency of our system with innovative solutions. - Providing technical support and bug fixes to ensure the system runs smoothly and efficiently. Your 3-5 years of experience working with Frappe framework would be instrumental in achieving my project's goals. We have wireframes and designs ready for this project which will guide you and facilitate a better understanding of the desired outcomes. The ideal candidate for this project is an excellent problem solver, meticulous in their attent...

    €397 (Avg Bid)
    €397 Offerta media
    12 offerte
    typing in 2 giorni left

    I'm in immediate need for a professional who excels in copy typing. The specific skillset required includes: - Expertise in copy typing from an array of formats (Handwritten notes, Printed materials, Digital files, etc.). - Ability to work efficiently and accurately under minimal supervision. - Complete adherence to the provided guidelines and formatting. - Ability to operate and deliver within unspecified timeframes. Time sensitivity for the completion of this project is currently undefined. Interested freelancers should be flexible for any time constraints that may present.

    €8 / hr (Avg Bid)
    €8 / hr Offerta media
    71 offerte

    I'm looking for a highly skilled and professional video editor for my Instagram reels. I am willing to pay upwards of $100 per edit.. Here are some essential details: - Each video is expected to be 45 seconds- 1 minute 10 seconds long. - It will mostly contain a wide array of topics, from providing valuable content to pre-handling objections and showcasing authority or case studies - The preferred style for the video edits is fast-paced and energetic, combining engaging storytelling while keeping it clean and simple In terms of skills and experience: - Proficiency in video editing software is a must - Experience in social media content, particularly Instagram reels, is highly preferred - Ability to create fast-paced, engaging content while maintaining a clean and minimalist...

    €90 (Avg Bid)
    €90 Offerta media
    62 offerte