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New Concept.

The two sparks connect the oz and ebike together and represents electronic. "oz" and "e" in ebike combines a bike. Please check and let me know your feedback. thanks.

Proposta in Concorso #222 per                                                 Design a Logo for ""

Bacheca pubblica per chiarimenti

  • MonsterGraphics
    • 9 anni fa

    Sir, why don't you rate 5 stars ? what are the changes should i do to get a 5 star rating ?

    • 9 anni fa
  • MonsterGraphics
    • 9 anni fa

    Sir, can you explain a bit about what do you mean by this phrase ? " If it could be more human though"

    • 9 anni fa
  • planetier62
    Titolare del Concorso
    • 9 anni fa

    It's inspired. If it could be more human though..

    • 9 anni fa