Freelance: mirceawork
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Hi. thank you for inviting me. Here is a sketch for style. Let me know what you think about it. Thanks, Mircea

Proposta in Concorso #4 per                                                 Create a Marketing Campaign - New Food Franchise - USING COMICS OR PHOTOS

Bacheca pubblica per chiarimenti

  • mirceawork
    • 9 anni fa

    Hi; Thanks for the rating. But as long as you have launched the invitation, in order to continue, the next logical step I believe to be a more detailed feedback :)

    • 9 anni fa
    1. seanb2
      Titolare del Concorso
      • 9 anni fa

      we like the style, maybe more comic like or need to see how your sketches fit into the story

      • 9 anni fa