Freelance: jituchoudhary
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Website Mockup Design

Please check my design, i hope you like my design. i am waiting for your valuable feedback, if you want any changes let me know

Proposta in Concorso #8 per                                                 Design a Website Mockup

Bacheca pubblica per chiarimenti

  • DavidBlair
    Titolare del Concorso
    • 7 anni fa

    I am waiting to hear from you.

    • 7 anni fa
    1. Rohan Vyas
      Rohan Vyas
      • 7 anni fa

      Hi, As I mentioned earlier. I have a design ready not got you, but you selected winner before closing date of the contest. You can still check design at: and and

      I can deliver files in PSD, HTML(Responsive).

      • 7 anni fa
    2. DavidBlair
      Titolare del Concorso
      • 7 anni fa

      Thanks, I looked at them and they are nice but I still would have chosen the winner that i did. thanks .

      • 7 anni fa
  • jituchoudhary
    • 7 anni fa

    ok i will do this.

    • 7 anni fa
  • DavidBlair
    Titolare del Concorso
    • 7 anni fa

    On the top section Take everything off and only leave the Rhodogems logo centered.

    • 7 anni fa

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