Freelance: jamesmahoney98
Segnala Partecipazione

Business Cards

hello! I have completed your new business cards following your brief closely. I have matched the font and completed the gold dotted background as requested. Let me know if you would like me to make an y changes or if you any questions at all. Thank you for your time, James.

Proposta in Concorso #159 per                                                 Business Card Design

Bacheca pubblica per chiarimenti

  • jamesmahoney98
    • 5 anni fa

    I have finished the final version ready to send to you. I cannot upload as the contest is over, however can send it once the contest is awarded. Thank you, James.

    • 5 anni fa
  • MBDecor
    Titolare del Concorso
    • 5 anni fa

    Bellos James. I like your design. Can y you change the word Decor for Design

    Please send the final version

    • 5 anni fa
    1. jamesmahoney98
      • 5 anni fa

      Of course, I will complete the work right away. Sorry for the delay.

      • 5 anni fa